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This is an image compositor framework for Legion. It allows Legion applications to render data in situ and in parallel and reduce the resulting plurality of images down to a single image for display.

Responsibility for rendering images is left up to the application. The application can render data from either Regent or C++. The framework will composite those rendered images to produce a reduced result.

Prior reading

To understand this framework it is necesary to be familiar with the following papers:

A Sorting Classification of Parallel Rendering. Molnar, Cox, Ellsworth and Fuchs (1994).

Compositing Digital Images. Porter, Duff (1984).


The framework supports the standard OpenGL Depth and Blend compositing functions in a distributed environment. These are sufficient for most scientific visualization purposes such as surface and volume rendering. The framework supports compositing functions of the following algebraic types: associative-commutative, associative-noncommutative, nonassociative-noncommutative. Surface rendering uses the associative-commutative depth functions, while volume rendering uses the associative-noncommutative blend functions.

Code organization

├── examples
│   ├── visualization_1
|   └── visualization_2
├── include
├── src
└── test
    ├── visualization_test_1
    ├── visualization_test_2
    └── visualization_test_3


The framework is contained in src/ and include/. It is built with cmake. To build the framework do this:

cd image-compositor

cmake .
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .



Tests exist for associative-commutative reductions and surface rendering. Tests exercise the full range of OpenGL depth and blend functions. Since many of the blend functions are non-commutative the values computed in these tests are incorrect. To build the tests do this:

cd test

running tests

Run the tests using the run* bash scripts in the test/visualization_test_* directories.


There are two example programs. visualization_1 is a basic C++ example that does not define a simulation domain. visualization_2 is a more extensive example that tests blending in the presence of a simulation domain. You should follow this example to use the framework with an existing simulation. To make the visualization examples do this:

cd examples/visualization[1|2]

running examples

Run the examples using the run* bash scripts in the examples/* directories.

Use cases

The framework was originally developed in C++ for use with Legion applications. It can also be used with Regent programs. The framework uses a logical partition as a source for the image reduction. These use cases differ in how this logical partition is defined, and whether the rendering is done in C++ or in Regent. These use cases are described here.

Tests and visualization_1 example

In this case the logical partition is created for a source image according to an image descriptor. The index space of the partition is required to be 3D. Rendering and reduction are performed in C++.

C++ Legion application

In this case the application has defined a simulation domain. It provides a logical partition of this domain to the ImageCompositor constructor.

The application invokes

compositor->reduceImagesOrthographic(ctx, cameraDirection)
compositor->reduceImagesPerspective(ctx, cameraLocation)

which index launches the image reduction operations in the address spaces that were recorded previously by the mapper. ctx is a Legion context. cameraDirection is the difference between the camera lookAt point and the camera from point. In other words it is the viewing direction of the camera. This works with orthographic projection.

Regent application with rendering in C++/OpenGL

This is the most common use case for applications that use OpenGL or similar C++ graphics APIs.


This example shows how to use the framework with an existing simulation written in Regent. The relevant parts of the C++ source code are contained in render.h, and These export symbols cxx_preinitialize, cxx_initialize, cxx_render, cxx_reduce and cxx_saveImage. In the following program r and p represent the simulation region and partition.

import "regent"
c = regentlib.c

-- Visualization

local root_dir = arg[0]:match(".*/") or "./"
assert(os.getenv('LG_RT_DIR'), "LG_RT_DIR should be set!")
local runtime_dir = os.getenv('LG_RT_DIR') .. "/"
local legion_dir = runtime_dir .. "legion/"
local mapper_dir = runtime_dir .. "mappers/"
local realm_dir = runtime_dir .. "realm/"

render = terralib.includec("render.h",
{"-I", root_dir,
"-I", runtime_dir,
"-I", mapper_dir,
"-I", legion_dir,
"-I", realm_dir,

struct Image_columns {
  R : float,
  G : float,
  B : float,
  A : float,
  Z : float,
  U : float

terra configureCamera(angle : float)
  var camera : render.Camera
  if angle < -180 then angle = angle + 360 end
  if angle > 180 then angle = angle - 360 end
  camera.up[0] = 0
  camera.up[1] = 1
  camera.up[2] = 0
  camera.from[0] = c.cos(angle) * 6
  --camera.from[1] = -1.0 + 4 * c.sin(angle);
  camera.from[1] = 1.5
  camera.from[2] = c.sin(angle) * 6[0] = 1[1] = 1[2] = 1
  return camera

task renderLoop(
  r : region(ispace(int3d), float),
  colors : ispace(int3d),
  p : partition(disjoint, r, colors)
where reads(r)
  render.cxx_initialize(__runtime(), __context(), __raw(r), __raw(p),
    __fields(r), 1)

  var stepsPerAngle = 1 -- 100
  var angles = 1 -- 180
  for loop = 0, angles * stepsPerAngle do
    var angle : float = loop * (1.0 / stepsPerAngle)
    var camera = configureCamera(angle)
    render.cxx_render(__runtime(), __context(), camera)
    var direction : float[3]
    for i = 0, 3 do
      direction[i] =[i] - camera.from[i]
    --render.cxx_saveIndividualImages(__runtime(), __context(), ".")
    render.cxx_reduce(__context(), direction)
    render.cxx_saveImage(__runtime(), __context(), ".")

task main()

  -- logical region and partition
  var r = region(ispace(int3d, {2, 2, 2}, {0, 0, 0}), float)
  var colors = ispace(int3d, {2, 2, 2}, {0, 0, 0})
  var p = partition(equal, r, colors)
  fill(r, 0.0)
  renderLoop(r, colors, p)

regentlib.saveobj(main, "", "object", render.cxx_preinitialize)

This is called before the runtime starts and performs certain initializations. visualization_2.rg contains this code:

render = terralib.includec("render.h",
{"-I", root_dir,
"-I", runtime_dir,
"-I", mapper_dir,
"-I", legion_dir,
"-I", realm_dir,


regentlib.saveobj(main, "", "object", render.cxx_preinitialize)


This entry point is called once when the program starts up. It creates an ImageCompositor that respects a logical partition that represents the simulation domain.

void cxx_initialize(
                   legion_runtime_t runtime_,
                   legion_context_t ctx_,
                   legion_logical_region_t region_,
                   legion_logical_partition_t partition_,
                   legion_field_id_t pFields[],
                   int numPFields
  Runtime *runtime = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(runtime_);
  Context ctx = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(ctx_)->context();
  LogicalRegion region = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(region_);
  LogicalPartition partition = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(partition_);
  Visualization::ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = { gImageWidth, gImageHeight, 1 };

  gImageCompositor = new Visualization::ImageReduction(region, partition,
    pFields, numPFields, imageDescriptor, ctx, runtime);

This entry point is called each time the application wants to perform a parallel rendering operation. The application passes in a camera configuration. The entry point performs an index launch of the user-supplied render task.

void cxx_render(legion_runtime_t runtime_,
                legion_context_t ctx_,
                Camera camera
                ) {
  // Unwrap objects

  Runtime *runtime = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(runtime_);
  Context ctx = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(ctx_)->context();

  Visualization::ImageReduction* compositor = gImageCompositor;

  // Setup the render task launch with region requirements
  ArgumentMap argMap;
  ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = compositor->imageDescriptor();
  size_t argSize = sizeof(ImageDescriptor) + sizeof(camera);
  char args[argSize];
  // ImageDescriptor must be the first argument to the render task
  memcpy(args, (char*)&imageDescriptor, sizeof(ImageDescriptor));
  memcpy(args + sizeof(ImageDescriptor), (char*)&camera, sizeof(camera));
  IndexTaskLauncher renderLauncher(gRenderTaskID, compositor->renderImageDomain(), TaskArgument(args, argSize),
                                   argMap, Predicate::TRUE_PRED, false);

  RegionRequirement req0(imageDescriptor.simulationLogicalPartition, 0, READ_ONLY, EXCLUSIVE,
  for(int i = 0; i < imageDescriptor.numPFields; ++i) {

  RegionRequirement req1(compositor->renderImagePartition(), 0, WRITE_DISCARD, EXCLUSIVE,

  FutureMap futures = runtime->execute_index_space(ctx, renderLauncher);

This entry point is called immediately after cxx_render. It invokes the compositor to perform the image reduction.

void cxx_reduce(legion_context_t ctx_, float cameraAt[image_region_dimensions]) {
  Context ctx = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(ctx_)->context();
  Visualization::ImageReduction* compositor = gImageCompositor;
  compositor->set_blend_func(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
  FutureMap futures = compositor->reduceImagesOrthographic(ctx, cameraAt);

This entry point saves the final composited image to disk.

void cxx_saveImage(legion_runtime_t runtime_,
                   legion_context_t ctx_,
                   const char* outDir
                   ) {
  Runtime *runtime = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(runtime_);
  Context ctx = CObjectWrapper::unwrap(ctx_)->context();

  // save the image
  Visualization::ImageReduction* compositor = gImageCompositor;
  ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor = compositor->imageDescriptor();
  size_t argLen = sizeof(ImageDescriptor) + strlen(outDir) + 1;
  char args[argLen] = { 0 };
  memcpy(args, &imageDescriptor, sizeof(imageDescriptor));
  strcpy(args + sizeof(imageDescriptor), outDir);
  TaskLauncher saveImageLauncher(gSaveImageTaskID, TaskArgument(args, argLen), Predicate::TRUE_PRED);
  DomainPoint slice0 = Legion::Point<3>::ZEROES();
  LogicalRegion imageSlice0 = runtime->get_logical_subregion_by_color(compositor->compositeImagePartition(), slice0);
  RegionRequirement req(imageSlice0, READ_ONLY, EXCLUSIVE, compositor->sourceImage());
  saveImageLauncher.add_field(0/*idx*/, Visualization::ImageReduction::FID_FIELD_R);
  saveImageLauncher.add_field(0/*idx*/, Visualization::ImageReduction::FID_FIELD_G);
  saveImageLauncher.add_field(0/*idx*/, Visualization::ImageReduction::FID_FIELD_B);
  saveImageLauncher.add_field(0/*idx*/, Visualization::ImageReduction::FID_FIELD_A);
  saveImageLauncher.add_field(0/*idx*/, Visualization::ImageReduction::FID_FIELD_Z);
  Future result = runtime->execute_task(ctx, saveImageLauncher);

Regent application with rendering in Regent

This is similar to the previous case, but without using cxx_render(). The application calls cxx_preinitialize and cxx_initialize as before. Instead of cxx_render() the application index launches a render task in Regent. The render task writes to the source image region created by the image compositor. After launching the render task the application calls cxx_reduce.


Nonassociative todo

Associative reductions can be implemented in a tree. Non-associative reductions must be implemented in a serial chain. Non-commutative reductions subsume commutative reductions so it is sufficient to implement only the non-commutative form.

These can be implemented when there is a need.

Coordinate system

The current implementation assumes the simulation domain is in 3D and the coordinate axes are aligned with the axes index space of the corresponding logical region. In other words, increasing X coordinates in the simultion domain correspond to increasing X coordinates in the logical region, and similarly for Y and Z.

It is probably not very difficult to support a 2D or 4D simulation domain.
This would require some editing and recompilation.

KD-tree initialization

The compositing algorithm requires a KD-tree in each address space where rendering and compositing will occur. This is accomplished in the task "initial_task". This task runs at framework startup for every subvolume of the simulation partition. If at some future time the simulation data were to migrate to an address space where the KD-tree had not been built, this could result in a crash. The resolution would be to ensure the KD-tree gets built in every address space.


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