In this project you will find Covid-19 cases prediction for the next 30 days, using Facebook Prophet model. More specifically:
- Visualization of daily COVID-19 cases (Globally & Greece)
- Visualization of daily COVID-19 death cases (Globally & Greece)
- Geographical visualization (Globally)
- COVID-19 Cases prediction for next 30 days (Globally & Greece)
Python Version: 3.7
Fbprophet Version: 0.6
Pystan Version: 2.19
Packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, plotly, sklearn
Fbprophet article:
Fbprophet tutorial:
Paper for Fbprophet:
The purpose of time series analysis is generally twofold: to understand or model the stochastic mechanisms that gives rise to an observed series and to predict or forecast the future values of a series based on the history of that series
Time-series forecast itself is one of the methods to create a model for predicting future values based on current and historical time series data. There are four components of time-series:
- Trend: an increase or decrease of data; could be linear or nonlinear (logistics growth)
- Seasonality: a characteristic of time-series data when it experiences regular and predictable movement after a fixed period of time
- Cyclic: a cyclic pattern exists when the data experience rises or falls (regular or periodic fluctuation in data)
- Irregularity: the residual of time series after the trend-cycle and seasonal component are removed
It’s a tool intended to help you to do time series forecasting at a scale with ease. It uses decomposable time series model with 3 main components: seasonal, trends, holidays or events effect and error which are combined into this equation:
f(x) = g(x) + s(x) + h(x) + e(t)
g(x) is a trend function which models the non-periodic changes. It can be either a linear function or a logistic function.
s(x) represents a periodic changes i.e weekly, monthly, yearly. A yearly seasonal component is modeled using Fourier series and weekly seasonal component using dummy variables.
h(x) is a function that represents the effect of holidays which occur on irregular schedules.(n ≥ 1 days)
e(x) represents error changes that are not accommodated by the model.
Figure 1.1: Daily COVID-19 cases (Globally)
Figure 1.2: Daily COVID-19 cases (Greece)
Figure 1.3: Daily COVID-19 prediction cases (Greece)
Prophet plots the observed values of time series (black dots), the forecasted values (blue lines) and the uncertainty intervals of our forecasts (blue shaded region).