TemplateReady is multi-templating on the fly pre-compiler.
- Most common template libraries support. All at once.
- If rewrite template in another templating library - don't need to change client-side application code.
- Create common, minified and gzipped versions (useful with gzip_static Nginx module).
- Include template library runtime code (if exists) into the output script file.
- Underscore template - builds client-side independent methods. Not even need Underscore.js!
- Mustache - additional client-side runtime code required.
- Jade - additional client-side runtime code required.
Did not find your favorite engine? Add it yourself! Directory /compilers is waiting for your pull requests.
Install npm, and then do this:
npm install templateready -g
You don't even need to download or fork this repo at all.
Get this code, install npm, and then do this:
npm link
templateready [options]
-d|--dir <workDirectory>
The work directory. Use as base path for source directory and output JS
Default is '.'
-s|--source <sourceDirectory>
The source directory with templates.
If set directory name without path then use work directory as base path: <workDirectory>/templates/
If set directory name with path then use it as is.
Default is 'templates'
-f|--file <outputFile>
The name of output script file.
If set file name without path then use work directory as base path: <workDirectory>/templates.js
If set file name with path then use it as is.
Pre-comiler will generate common and minified versions of output files.
Default is 'templates.js'
-t|--target <targetJsObject>
The name of object who contain pre-compiled temlates as methods.
You must ensure that the object already declared in your JS application.
Default is 'Core.Template'
-r| --runtime
Add template library runtime code (if exists) into the output script file.
No default
When a change template file occurs, rebuild output js file.
No default
-p|--poll-interval <milliseconds>
How often to poll watched files for changes.
Defaults to Node default.
Display these usage instructions.
Suppress DEBUG messages
Show version and exit.
templateready -d ./wwwroot/app --runtime
templateready -d ./wwwroot/app -s mytemplates -w -p 1000
templateready --source ./wwwroot/mytemplates --file ./wwwroot/app/comiled.js --target 'MyApplicationTemplates'
Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub!
Alexander Prozorov
TemplateReady is released under the MIT license.