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StackGuardian SDK For Go (sg-sdk-go)

sg-sdk-go is the StackGuardian SDK for the Go Programming language.

The SG SDK requires a minimum version of Go 1.19.

Check out the notes in the release for information about the latest bug fixes, updates and features added to the SDK.

Getting started

It's recommended to store your API token and base URL in environment variables:

SG_BASE_URL (default:

Install the SDK: To get started working with the SDK, setup your project for Go modules and retrieve the SDK dependencies using go get.

go get[email protected]

Sample Usage

import (

	sggosdk ""
	client ""
	option ""

func main() {

	// Define the API key, base URL, org and workflow details
	API_KEY := "apikey " + os.Getenv("SG_API_TOKEN")
	SG_ORG := "demo-org"
	SG_WF_GROUP := "sg-sdk-go-test"
	SG_WF := "2aumphefkejtj3bv4q3wo"
	SG_BASE_URL := os.Getenv("SG_BASE_URL")

	// Create a new client using the API key and base URL
	c := client.NewClient(

	// Create a new WorkflowRun request
	createWorkflowRunRequest := sggosdk.WorkflowRun{
		DeploymentPlatformConfig: []*sggosdk.DeploymentPlatformConfig{{
			Kind: sggosdk.DeploymentPlatformConfigKindEnumAwsRbac,
			Config: map[string]interface{}{
				"profileName":   "testAWSConnector",
				"integrationId": "/integrations/testAWSConnector"}}},
		WfType: sggosdk.WfTypeEnumTerraform.Ptr(),
		EnvironmentVariables: []*sggosdk.EnvVars{{Kind: sggosdk.EnvVarsKindEnumPlainText,
			Config: &sggosdk.EnvVarConfig{VarName: "test", TextValue: sggosdk.String("testValue")}}},
		VcsConfig: &sggosdk.VcsConfig{
			IacVcsConfig: &sggosdk.IacvcsConfig{
				IacTemplateId:          sggosdk.String("/stackguardian/aws-s3-demo-website:16"),
				UseMarketplaceTemplate: true,
			IacInputData: &sggosdk.IacInputData{
				SchemaType: sggosdk.IacInputDataSchemaTypeEnumFormJsonschema,
				Data: map[string]interface{}{
					"bucket_region": "eu-central-1",
		UserJobCpu:    sggosdk.Int(512),
		UserJobMemory: sggosdk.Int(1024),
		RunnerConstraints: &sggosdk.RunnerConstraints{
			Type: "shared",

	// Create a new WorkflowRun using the client and request from above
	response, err := c.WorkflowRuns.CreateWorkflowRun(context.Background(),
		SG_ORG, SG_WF, SG_WF_GROUP, &createWorkflowRunRequest)
	if err != nil {
	// Get the resource name of the newly created WF run from the response
	var wfRunResourceName string = response.Data.GetExtraProperties()["ResourceName"].(string)

	// Get the status of the newly created WF run
	wfRunResponse, err := c.WorkflowRuns.ReadWorkflowRun(context.Background(), SG_ORG, SG_WF, SG_WF_GROUP, wfRunResourceName)
	if err != nil {


Reporting bugs

If you encounter a bug with the SG SDK for Go we would like to hear about it. Please search the existing issues and see if others are experiencing the same issue before opening a new one.

Please include the version of the SG SDK for Go, the Go version and the OS you are using along with steps to replicate the issue when appropriate.