We were tasked with creating an app that build websites. Random Bytes is for non-technical users to write blog posts and pages for the site. When the visitor visits Random Bytes, they can see public content. When a user logs in, they should see a dashboard that lets them create and edit new posts or pages and decide on if they want them to be public or private.
his is the link to our Front-end repo: https://github.com/SquadComplex/team-project-frontend This is a link to our deployed Back-end: https://guarded-mountain-32914.herokuapp.com
Verb | URI Pattern | Controller#Action |
POST | /sign-up | users#signup |
POST | /sign-in | users#signin |
PATCH | /change-password/:id | users#changepw |
DELETE | /sign-out/:id | users#signout |
POST | /blogs | blog-create#create |
GET | /blogs | blog-egt-index#index |
GET | /blogs | blog-get-show#show |
PATCH | /blogs | blog-update#update |
DELETE | /blogs | blog-delete#destroy |
POST | /pages | page-create#create |
GET | /pages | page-get-index#index |
GET | /pages | page-get-show#show |
PATCH | /pages | page-update#update |
DELETE | /pages | page-delete#destroy |