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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🔷 action
🔷 action
Issues regard code actions
📘 beta
📘 beta
Bugs that only exist in beta versions
💬 better error
💬 better error
💥 breaking change
💥 breaking change
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
*cannot reproduce
*cannot reproduce
🔷 config
🔷 config
🚑 crash-freeze
🚑 crash-freeze
🔷 custom-lsp
🔷 custom-lsp
Custom language server protocol communications
📌 dependencies
📌 dependencies
🔨 dev
🔨 dev
Related to the development of the project itself
📝 documentation
📝 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🔷 extension command
🔷 extension command
Issues regard extension commands
✨ feature
✨ feature
New feature or request
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
👍 good first issue
👍 good first issue
Issues that are easy to work on for new code contributors
😭 help wanted
😭 help wanted
❗high priority
❗high priority
📝 imp-doc
📝 imp-doc
This issue has been inactive for a while.
This report is invalid, but thank you anyways!
🔎 investigating
🔎 investigating
Pull requests that update Javascript code