Sawa (SawaSB / Sawa Self Bot) is a reliable Discord self-bot with frequent updates and high customization.
(Note: Each command is able to configured inside of config.log, which also houses the bot's main files such as prefix, AntiReportSystem, etc.)
Inside of SawaSB's folder, there is a .log file named "config". This file controls how the commands & the bot behave. Your default config file should look like this:
// Last Updateed: 12/05/2024
// Main Bot Configuration
ClientToken TOKEN_HERE
Prefix sw!
DeleteMessagesAfterPosted false
DeleteMessagesDuration 4500
NotAuthorizedMessage false
// Enable or Disable Commands
BanWave true
Information true
LoopPing true
Ping true
Test false
// Command Configuration
LoopPingCooldown 500
BanWaveCooldown 4500
(Note: Blank lines & Lines that start with "//" or "--" are automatically ignored, these act as comments.)
Installing SawaSB is simple, download "" from Releases
In order to make sure Sawa runs smoothly and perfectly, install NodeJS
Once you have downloaded everything, run "index.js" using NodeJS. (Using Visual Studio Code's debug interface to run it is recommended.)
- ClientToken (Default: TOKEN_HERE):
- This acts as your login information, it allows the bot to connect to your discord account without the need of your username or password and also bypasses 2FA.
- It is required to make sure the bot works.
- (For more information on how you can get your Client Token watch this video: Click Me!)
- Prefix (Default: sw!):
- This is the prefix of the bot, it allows the bot to detect whenever you are trying to run a command.
- Setting this value to something like "?" will make it so you will need to use "?" at the start of a text whenever you are running a command.
- (e.g: ?help)
- DeleteMessagesAfterPosted (Default: true):
- This is a boolean (must be "true" or "false"). It is a security measure to make sure people don't report you and get your account TOS'ed or Terminated. (As Client Bots are against Discord TOS.)
- DeleteMessagesDuration (Default: 4500):
- This component is a sub-component of "DeleteMessagesAfterPosted", if its false this won't work.
- This component controls how much time must pass in miliseconds before a message is deleten. (1 second = 1000ms)
- NotAuthorizedMessage (Default: false):
- This is a boolean ("true or "false"). It controls if the bot should send a message whenever a person who is not whitelisted runs a command.
- (Note: People can spam this and cause you to rate limited and have high ping.)
- Ban Wave (Default: true):
- Enable the "Ban Wave" command which allows you to get people off a list and automatically ban them.
- Information (Default: true):
- Enable the "Information" command which allows you to get information about the bot & the client.
- Loop Ping (Default: true):
- Enable the "Loop Ping" command which allows you to mass ping someone.
- Ping (Default: true):
- Enable the "Ping" command which allows you to get the latency of the bot & client to the Discord servers.
- Test (Default: false):
- Enable the "Test" command which does nothing. (This is a development command used for testing commands, does nothing on public releases.)
- LoopPingCooldown (Default: 500):
- Set the duration between pings of loop ping in miliseconds. (Setting really low values will lead to being rate-limited.)
- (1 second = 1000 miliseconds)
- BanWaveCooldown (Default: 4500):
- Set the duration between ban commands in miliseconds. (Setting really low values will lead to being rate-limited.)
- (1 second = 1000 miliseconds)