Would you like to learn to code? How about we learn together!!! Anyone that wants to learn something code related and have people to talk to about it whether you are already an engineer or just starting your coding journey.
Code School is a program that combines learning resources in Udemy(recommended courses below) with weekly office hour access to Spiff software engineers to ask questions or go through projects.
All the meetings are held on zoom at https://spiff.zoom.us/j/88089581749?pwd=TEVTajl5WUZ1SkFMR1I5VXpyR09NQT09.
Also join us in the #code-school channel and ask questions throughout the week and get async assistance.
We meet twice a week and both meetings are optional and get you access to engineers to ask questions.
- Tuesdays from 10:00am-10:30am Mountain
- Wednesdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm Mountain
If you want a calendar invite please reach out to [email protected] or @banbury in spiff slack.
Programming can be a rewarding hobby and make for an excellent career. Coding literacy is a valuable skill today and many of our engineers owe a debt to others who helped them learn and grow into the programmers they are today. We want to pay it forward and put an emphasis on supporting each other.