The desktop client of for Windows
This program supports the syntax of Just type some word like apple or name of heroes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
For better experience, read the article about this syntax and explore tags, before using this program
If you're registered on this site and using some custom filters, you can import this settings to the program through API Key. Copy this key from account settings and fill the text field of program's settings
Also you can scope the default lists as top scoring or watch list.
- All top - alltop
- Top scoring - top
- Watch List (requires api key) - watchlist
- Favourites (requires api key) - favourites
- CTRL+S - Download selected page
- CTRL+E - Select next page
- CTRL+D - Select previous page
- CTRL+F - Call the fullscreen mode for current page
- CTRL+S - Save image
- ESC - Exit from fullscreen mode
- Arrows for browsing images on this page
If you want to help us, you can translate this program for other language. Just get the original [template] ( and send translated file to [email protected]