This is no longer relevant (and hasn't been for a while) with Compiler Explorer using a new editor.
AceInstead.user.js for
A userscript that replaces the editor used by (CodeMirror) with the editor Ace. This is achieved by replacing the interface provided by CodeMirror with an interface that emulates the functionality of CodeMirror but calls into Ace's interface instead. This results in a (subjectively) better editing experience.
In order to install the userscript you will first need a userscript plugin for your browser Greasemonkey for Mozilla Firefox, Tampermonkey for Google Chrome, Opera beta and Apple Safari, and once you have such a plugin download the userscript and install it from here.
Most features work as expected, but a few are missing. If you implement them feel free to submit a pull request.
- When using Binary mode, the address and opcodes of each instruction is not shown in the gutter.