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Releases: Sollace/Unicopia

Unicopia 1.3.8 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

30 Jun 13:25
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  • Changed pearl necklace max damage to 16
  • Changed tooltip display for the firebolt spell to show current and max blast damage in one line

Unicopia 1.3.7 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

30 Jun 01:00
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This version fixes a lot of bugs and makes some important quality of life improvements for pegasi and seaponies. This is also going to be the last update before I start working on 1.21. That means no more 1.20.1/.2/.4 builds after this, as 1.21 includes some significant changes that I won't be able to continue supporting 1.20.


  • Earth pony fortification now has a visible status effect
  • Specters now only spawn in low light conditions
  • Specters can now spawn with and carry equipment
  • Removed the placeholder plunder vine drops


  • Made pearl necklaces less common when fishing #388
  • The pearl necklace now has 4 durability
  • Added seapony's grace/seapony's ire status effects. #390
    • Seapony's grace is granted when you turn into a seapony and will allow you to approach guardians without making them hostile
    • Mining blocks in a monument with guardians nearby will them to your presence and cause the status effect to change into seapony's ire


  • Casting the same spell with different traits will now replace the old one rather than stacking both together #353
  • Spells now contain more details in their tooltips:
    • The amount of corruption you would gain from casting the spell
    • Other attributes/modifications applied to the spell based on which traits are present on the gem
  • Equipped spells now have full tooltips in the spellbook
  • Reduced casting time for projectiles


  • Hud bars are re-arranged to make them more readable.
  • Experience is no longer displayed on the hud. Instead you have tick marks to indicate your character's current level.
  • The super move bar is only displayed for races that make use of it and will take up right right half of the bar


  • Added customisations:
    • What the spell affects - blocks, entities, both
    • Hang time - How long an entity will hover in place before it starts falling again
    • Initial velocity - How quickly targets hit by the spell are shot upwards
    • Pushing power - The amount of force applied to entities that are already in the air
    • Causes levitation - Whether or not the spell applies the levitation status effect


  • Pegasi now only regenerate stamina once they reach the ground. #356
  • Pegasi now consume more stamina when flying over the void 356
  • Skeletons will now prioritize targetting flying players and will fire at them with more accuracy
  • Added broken wings status effect
  • Moved wind trail particles behind the player's view to avoid them clipping into the player's camera
  • Water depth is now considered when determining the amount of lift pegasi should receive


  • Nuts and seeds are now less nutricious to other races #363
  • Reduced saturation from leaves #371
  • Nerfed hay bales again #371


  • Updated german, russian, french, chinese, and traditional chinese


  • Fully rewrote the data syncing to fix #14
  • Spells are now synchronized individually rather than all as one big nbt blob (should improve performance)

Bugs Steamrolled

  • Fixed spell crafting in 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 #342
  • Fix quick moving items in the spellbook #348
  • Fix incorrect lighting on doors when placed next to solid blocks #346
  • Fixed food poisoning probabilities being reversed - cooked had a higher chance of poisoning rather than lower
  • Fixed client/server desync when applying status effects #349
  • Add fruit to the replaceable_by_trees tag to fix #352
  • Add missing entity translations and set floating artefact to use the name of its item
  • Fixed earth ponies taking fall damage from ground pound #351
  • Fixed earth ponies being able to stomp whilst flying with elytra and using riptide
  • Fixed unable to place palm signs on walls
  • Fixed mimics rolling multiple times on the same chest
  • Fixed fruit dropping more than they're supposed to (should only happen if you have fortune!!!)
  • Fixed placed and projectile spells not syncing their level correctly
  • Fixed placed shields not rendering
  • Fixed placed spells not playing their death animations and/or getting stuck and impossible to remove
  • Fixed disguise orientation and door disguises #259
  • Fixed rendering of multi-segment blocks (bed disguises)
  • Fixed disguises ticking whilst the game is paused
  • Fixed placed spells not reflecting their correct location in the dismiss spell screen
  • Fixed data not being copied when the player changes dimensions
  • Fixed magic projectiles not affecting falling blocks
  • Fixed falling blocks spawned from the catapult spell not updating their velocity when pushed
  • Fixed pegasi able to fly whilst in a vehicle #377
  • Fixed ability cooldown not ticking when there is not ability in the slot. #366


  • Fixed and added farmer's delight cutting table recipes for all the palm and zap wood blocks

Unicopia 1.3.6 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

27 Apr 11:31
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I did a mojang! (again for the second time)


  • Fixed bat ponies not being able to sleep through the night

Unicopia 1.3.5 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

26 Apr 16:36
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I did a mojang! (again)


  • Fixed server crash when ticking jar items
  • Server configs are now synced to the client when joining or changing using the /config command
  • Fix pegasi not able to respawn on cloud blocks


  • Add ad_astra's orbit and moon dimensions to the has_no_atmosphere dimension type tag

Unicopia 1.3.4 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

25 Apr 14:44
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Now, I planned for this version to just be a simple bug-fixing like the last one. But of course one thing led to the other, I incorporated some of the feedback I'd seen and also added a few of the things I didn't have time for in the 1.3.0 update.

This version is also the first version that is using datageneration to produce all the json assets rather than me having to write them all by hand, which contributed to the ability to polish up and expand on a lot of things that I wasn't really able to touch because of the amount of time and effort it would have taken to create all the json files for it.

The full details are below


  • You can now use bonemeal on fruit tree's leaves to hasten their progress
  • Spectators are no longer affected by magic shields #290
  • Removed the collission boxes from plunder vine buds
  • Add shells to fishing loot tables. #299
  • Filled jars are now fireproof, just like the other jars
  • Improved performance when computing the fancy bed's collission boxes
  • Added Block of Worms
  • Added baited fishing rod
  • Seaponies will now revert back to normal if we're not able to respawn them underwater
  • Added a check against offline players when trying to see if a spell can modify blocks at a location. #283
  • The crystal heart will now heal villagers and merchants in addition the the normal saddled mobs. #184
  • Nerfed Changeling's feed ability. It now works more similarly to grograr's bell and the changeling has to stay close to the target to continue feeding. #312
  • Added proper item textures and models for the slime pustule and mysterious egg


  • Jars are now placeable
  • You can add items to placed jars by right-clicking them with an item, or pop one out by right-clicking with an empty hand
  • You can fill a jar with a fluid or bucketed entity by right-clicking with a bucket
  • Cloud, Storm, Lightning, and Zap jars will unleash their contents when broken unless you are using silk touch


  • Hippogrifs and Bat Ponies can now walk on and interact with cloud blocks
  • You can now place cloud pillars horizontally


  • Pegasi now get a minor speed boost when performing stunts #168
  • There's now a stunt for flying low / close to the ground
  • The rainboom ability meter now refills more smoothly when performing stunts
  • Capped pegasus velocity whilst flying to within reasonable limits
  • Diving is now more pronounced
  • Added a fov wind effect and wind trails when flying and dashing


  • The wind vane now produces particle effects to indicate the direction the wind is flowing


  • Unicorn casting speed now scales with their character's level
  • The overlay on minions will now shift colours
  • Different spells now have unique gem designs to more easily tell them apart
  • Improved Dark Vortex behaviou and performance
    • Improved black hole rendering and effects at larger scales
    • Added additional particle effects around the event horizon and when decaying
    • The black hole will now gradually dissipate when the spell is discarded
    • Black holes will now interact with each other and cancel out causing an explosion. A great strategy to keep your black hole from growing out of control is to have two black holes! Try it!
    • Black hole's growth rate has been adjusted to follow a logarithmic scale and will not grow past a certain point
    • Added maxDarkVortexSize gamerule to control the largest size a black hole can become.
    • The black hole's damage type will now bypass armour
    • Fixed alignments of the black hole's center
    • The black hole will now drop left over matter upon decaying.
  • Crystal doors can now be locked by providing them a signed bangle of comradery
    • When locked they will only let the owner or players wearing a signed bangle through.
    • Also you can't cheat them any more

Magic Corruption

  • Unicorns no longer gain corruption when taking damage, but
  • But spells with the dark alignment now cause more corruption and gaining corruption has side-effects not unlike the mild effects of wearing an alicorn amulet.
  • Every time a side-effect manifests, the player's corruption is consumed allowing players to slowly recover.
  • Alicorn Amulet and Grogar's bell now cause more corruption from being used
  • Corrupt influence now clones mobs when they are damaged
    rather than just randomly.


  • Adjusted enchantment occurances. #306
  • Clingy is no longer considered a curse
  • Added feather touch enchantment

Diets and Food

For the current updated details of each pony diet, see the wiki page

  • Adjusted food balancing to be a little more fair #293
    • add more variety in the foraging groups
    • rebalance the probability of negative effects/food poisoning when eating the foraged things
    • add groups for rotten insect
    • moved fermented spider eye to the rotten insect category
    • removed unused foraging_moderate category
  • Diet information is no longer displayed when it's not relevant
  • Desserts and Candy are no longer considered fruits and vegetables and have their intended attributes
  • Added separate categories for Fruits and Baked Goods
  • Added a nuts food category for hippogriffs
  • Buff changeling food options slightly. They now gain more hunger and saturation from meat and insects #317
  • Fixed changelings not being able to eat blocks (should be only humans here since the food rewrite)
  • Organised the insects food group into raw, cooked, and rotten variants
  • Added rotten fish
  • Added cooked and rotten variants of all the vanilla fish (and axolotl)
  • Added frog's legs and cooked frog's legs
  • You can now harvest pinecones and acorns from spruce and oak leaves using a hoe
  • Eating rock stew no longer consumes the bowl
  • Added bowl of nuts, oatmeal cookie, pinecone cookie, chocolate oatmeal cookie, and scone as food items
  • Added green fried egg
  • You can now craft bread using oats
  • The recipe for hay fries is now vertical to allow for the above
  • Rock stew now has a max stack size of 1 (same as other bowl foods)


Added Specters

Specters are a new neutral mob that can spawn in dark areas within the world that functions like spiders are only hostile if you attack them and during the night. They are completely invisible when passive, and the only way to know when one is around is to listen and look for their footsteps.

Added Mimics

Mimics are a new danger you can encounter on difficulties above peaceful when looting chests in naturally-generating structures. They can appear in any structure outside of villages, underwater ruins, and shipwrecks and are nearly impossible to distenguish from normal chests. They're rather mild-mannered, however, and will only attack if you hit them first or try to steal their items.

Just. If you find a chest with teeth, report it immediately to your local M.C.C.O (Magical Creature Containment Officer).

Note for Modders / Modpack Creators:

If you want to add mimics to your own chests, add it to the unicopia:mimic_chests blocktag! (only works for blocks derived from the ChestBlock. See CloudBlock as a working example.)

Current blocks that can become shulkers:

  • minecraft:chest
  • minecraft:trapped_chest
  • unicopia:cloud_chest


  • Balloons now require fuel to run. You can fuel them up by right-clicking the burner (lantern) with a fuel source. Any furnace fuel will work
  • Added improved animations for the hot air balloon
  • The hot air balloon now has more detailed hitboxes and visible sandbags that you can pull to direct its motion

Datagen Resources

All (most) of the json resources for the mod are now generated automatically. Because of this, I've had a chance to fix and improve a lot of the loot tables, recipes, and advancements!

Loot Tables

  • Adjusted looting amounts in some places
  • Gemstone and wheatworm drops are now affected by looting
  • All crops are now recognised by bees and will preserve farmland


  • Changed cutting recipe for etched clouds to require normal clouds
  • Added cutting recipe for cloud planks
  • Made the unstable cloud recipe shapeless
  • Unstable cloud recipe now outputs 8 blocks
  • Added recipes for stripped zap wood and waxed stripped zap wood
  • Made chitin <-> carapace recipe reversible
  • Made gravel <-> pebbles recipe reversable
  • The sus gravel -> pebbles recipe is among us now
  • Changed chitin spikes recipe to give 8 instead of 1
  • Changed diamond to shard recipe to give 6 instead of 3
  • Added recipe to get 3 shards from amethyst shards
  • Made golden oak seeds obtainable by crafting a golden apple
  • Removed the complex cider recipe
  • The simple cider recipe now requires apple to craft
  • Increased experience gained from cooking zap apples
  • Made the zap apple jam jar recipe shapeless
  • Made the jam toast recipe shapeless
  • Added trick recipes for golden apple, mango, pineapple, and horseshoe fries
  • Added white bed sheets, and added a recipe to dye white bed sheets any color and pattern
  • Added recipes to change any bedsheet into any color or pattern using the correct wool. Just use the normal recipe you would and put the sheets in the middle to change its colour/pattern
  • Add recipe to convert seashells into bonemeal


  • Renamed and reorganised the advancements a little to make them flow a little more naturally
  • The Molting Season questline now has more steps
  • Added "Wonderbolt"
  • Added "Oats So Easy" for successfully farming some oats
  • Added "What The Hay" for eating an entire block of hay all by yourself, you pig
  • Added "Take a Note" for crafting a dragon's breath scr...
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Unicopia 1.3.3 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

02 Mar 17:59
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  • Reduced the empty space needed for sour apple trees to grow
  • Fixed the chilling breath spell
  • Fixed shields not deflecting projectiles
  • You can now safely collect slime pustules with shears and silk touch tools
  • Each butterly type has its own item
  • Throwing a jar with a butterfly in it will release the butterfly
  • Fixed shields rendering on players in the inventory screen
  • Butterflies will now follow the player if they're holding a flower
  • Pegasi can now use friendship bracelets to protect other players from their ranbooms by @JnCrMx


  • Fixed frozen effect rendering on boats when Sodium is installed
  • Fixed crash with BadOptimizations


Unicopia 1.3.2 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

24 Feb 23:16
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  • Fixed players getting stuck whilst flying #264

Unicopia 1.3.1 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

24 Feb 14:05
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  • Stressed and Heavy enchantments are less common now
  • Removed floating islands
  • Fix crash when discarding placed spells #274
  • Fixed leaves rendering incorrectly on fast graphics settings
  • Fixed spells granted by an ability not cancelling when the player loses access to that ability #272
  • Fixed cloud doors crafting recipe #265
  • Fixed incorrect percentage breakdown for pony diets in advanced tooltips
  • Leaves now give the player far less hunger and saturation when eating them #270
  • Fixed packet spam when pegasi or changelings are flying
  • Fixed posture packets being delivered to players that are not meant to receive them when observing flying players #267
  • Fixed crash when spawning the ignominious bulb #271


  • Fixed leaf flowers rendering incorrectly with sodium
  • Indium is now required when using sodium
  • Fixed mobs being unable to have amulets equipped to them when using trinkets

Unicopia 1.3.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4

17 Feb 15:39
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WARNING: Backup your world or remove any spells you have active before loading this version

A lot of stuff has changed and a lot of spells, in particular portals, may break and have to be re-placed when upgrading to this version.


New Features

New Race: Kirins

There are hot bearded mares in your area!

Kirins are a new playable race that comes with the following special attributes:

  • Silent
    They make little to no sound when walking, and do not trigger skulk sensors unless they are raging.
  • Fire resistance
    Due to how their physiology works, Kirins are completely immune to fire! This does come with the slight drawback that they are weak to water and will move more slowly whilst swimming however.

They also have two unique abilities:

  1. Raging
  2. Limited spell casting


Kirins can build up anger by fighting or taking damage from mobs. The higher their anger is, the more the chance they might turn into a nirik. Kirins with a full rage meter can also voluntarily enter their raging state to gain the upper hoof in battle.

Blinded by rage, when a kirin goes into their raging state, they will be granted extra strength and speed in exchange for losing their ability to remain silent. They have to be careful, though, because anything a kirin walks on whilst raging will be set on fire.

To exit the raging state, a kirin can either jump into a pool of water, or drink a bottle of water, juice, or lemon slices to calm down.

If you [i]really[/i] need to calm them down though, you can douse them in a pool of water. It's always a good idea to keep your mare's beard cool and fresh, after all.

New Race: Hippogriffs

Hippogriffs are a flying species with abilities not too different from pegasi. Besides the ability to fly, they have sharp talons and beaks that they can use to peck and scrape at enemies. They also come equipped with a powerful call that can be used to scare things, sometimes even blocks.

New Race: Seaponies

Seaponie are a "meta" race. That is, you cannot select them normally. The only way to become a seapony is to find shells from the seabed and use them to craft the pearl necklace. When quipped, the pearl necklace gives you the ability to switch between your current form and that of a seapony.

When playing as a seapony, you can breath underwater and can only get around on land by jumping. Once in the water, though, you get extra mobility, improved vision, and the ability to use sonar to locate and attack mobs, or find undersea treasure.

Seaponies can also survive on a diet of kelp, seashells, and other sea vegitables.

Note: Undersea mobs are friendly to seaponies, and they will not be attached by pufferfish and guardians


New Structure: Changeling Hives

Changelings get a much needed expansion with new blocks and an entire structure! The changeling hive will generate randomly in the world and are made entirely out of a hard new organic/stone-like material: chitin.

  • Chitin
    Chitin blocks can be mined and broken down into charapace and recreafted to create chiselled chitin blocks, stairs, slabs, and a unique chitin hull block.
  • Hive Blocks
    Hive blocks are a living block that naturally occurs within the changeling hives. They live in the walls and have the ability to generate chitin to repair damage to the hive around them. They're also an "intlligent" block that changelings can communicate with to open and close holes in chitin walls to allow them to move freely through the hives.
  • Slime Pustules
    Slime pustules can be occassionally found dripping from the ceiling in changeling hives and are the sources of minecraft's slimes. Players should be careful when breaking them as the pustule can burst into with a pop of flames. If you're able to get one safely, though, you can use it to conduct redstone vertically!
  • Chitin Spikes
    They're pointy and pistons can move them! Yeah that's it.


  • Pegasi taking off now kicks up dust cloud from sand, gravel, or concrete powder

  • Cloud Blocks
    Changelings have chitin, pegasi have the clouds.

    Cloud blocks are an entire new type of material that only pegasi and other flying races can interact with. They come in a wide variety of different forms that you can find generating naturally as clouds and in cloud villages up in the sky, or crafted using the new shaping bench.

    Cloud blocks don't need any blocks to be placed against when building, which makes them the perfect material for starting that new floating island base in the sky.

    Besides finding them in the world, you can also craft them out of cloud lumps, which you can get from a storm and raincloud jar. Cloud lumps are also dropped by the storm clouds that are summoned when fighting against King Sombra.

    Pegasi can use the cloud blocks to create different patterns and shapes by crafting it into other blocks using the shaping bench. It's also possible to "flatten" the sides of the cloud blocks to make walls, pillars, or horizontal banisters.

  • Unstable Clouds
    These types of clouds look almost the same as regular clouds, however you'll quickly realise when you stepped on one because they will start building a charge. Jumping on an unstable cloud will cause it build up charge and eventually send a lightning strike to whichever unfortunate soul happens to be within range below the block

  • Cloud Beds
    The perfect solution for a good night's rest after a long day of rainbooming! Cloud beds are made entirely out of clouds and can be combined with different sheet patterns to customise their appearance

  • Cloud Doors
    Doors, but made out of cloud blocks! Only pegasi can open or close these doors, and only earth ponies and alicorns can walk through them when closed.

  • Cloud Compacting
    Clouds are soft and maliable. Right-clicking any of the full-cube cloud blocks with a shovel will flatten that side, and pegasi can flatten the blocks on all six sides to create interesting shapes.

Earth Ponies

  • Fancy Beds
    The normal ponys' counterpart to the cloud bed, these are crafted out of wool and wooden logs and function just how you'd expect a bed to function. You can also equip them with different sheets to change their appearance, just like the cloud bed.
  • Stomping now kicks up a dust cloud when stomping sand, gravel, or concrete powder

New Ability: Hug

Earth Ponies can now use their amazing strength to pick up and give any mobs a squeeze! Some of them won't like that, but who knows? That creeper looks awfully lonely...

Improved Ability: Grow

Earth Ponies' crop growing ability got some major enhancements. There are now two ways of using the ability:

  1. Unfocused
    Same as before, you can use the ability to grow any crops in your immediate area, with the one change that it will no longer grow tall grass.

    When using the unfocused form, there's a small chance of crops and plants to be transformed into other magical forms (more below).

  2. Focused
    The unfocused form works fine when you need to create a lot of food very quickly, but sometimes you want a little more control over the outcome. That's where the focused form comes in!

    To use the focused ability, all you have to do is plant a single crop, sapling, or other plant you want to transform in the middle and replace the ground in the surrounding area in a 5x5 square with the type of block corresponding to the thing you want to turn the plant into. When you use the ability, the blocks placed around will be used as fuel for the transmutation and placing more of the required block type improves your chances of the crafting succeeding.

Transmutation options:

Plant Material Result
Oak Sapling Raw Gold Block Golden Oak Sapling
Carrots Raw Gold Block Gold Root
Cornflower Lapis Lazuli Block Curing Joke
Wither Rose Netherrack Plunder Vine
Dark Oak Sapling Chitin Zapling

Earth Ponies' grow ability can now do more than just grow plants! When growing crops where is now a small chance of a plunder vine growing.

  • Plunder Vines
    Plunder vines spread slowly or can be forced to spread by an earth pony using their ability on it. You can break the plunder vine so collect the sticks and feathers that it generates, or allow it to grow for a chance of encountering its second ability.

  • Gold Root
    When using your ability on fully grown carrots, it's possible to transform it into gold root and collect golden carrots instead of normal ones.

  • Ignominious Bulb and Curing Joke
    Curing Joke is a new type of plant closely associated with the inominious bulb. Earth ponies can the curing joke into an ignominous bulb which, when fully grown, will produce tentacles that attack nearby hostile mobs.

    Curing Joke can also be eaten as a way to heal and remove status effects or corruption from the player.

  • Golden Oak Tree
    The golden oak tree can be obtained by earth ponies using their ability on an oak sapling to turn it into a golden variant.

New Entity: Loot Bugs

Loot bugs are attracted to plunder vines and will gradually start to spawn around any fully-grown plants. They look a lot like silverfish, however killing these weird little creatures can net the player all sorts of high-value golden or magical items.

Stable Doors

Two new wooden doors are now available. Unlike normal doors, on stable doors you can move the top and bottom hinges independantly of each other.

  • Dark Oak Stable Door
    Crafted from 3 planks (vertically) with 6 stones on either side
  • Oak Stable Door
    Crafted from 3 planks (vertically) with 6 rock candy on either side



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Unicopia 1.2.2 for Minecraft 1.20.2

28 Oct 22:34
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Since there were some major issues found in the previous version, I've decided to make a quick bugfix release. Enjoy!


  • Fixed alicorn amulet flight not working
  • Players can now use the alicorn race in survival
  • Fixed missing translation for the self variant of the tribe_swap death messages
  • Ensure the player's race is swapped even if the tribe swap effect is unable to kill the player
  • Fixed crash when trinkets is not installed
  • Fixed floating changelings. #204
  • Fixed flight velocity/control state going out of sync with the server #205
  • Slightly changed the behaviour for changeling flight #179
  • Fix error ticking sprout blocks
  • Fixed the recipe for the inferno spell
  • Fixed spell crafting recipes


  • Changed flight controls:
    • Player's sneaking and jumping state is now transmitted to the server with a custom packet, which allows for better controls.
      i.e. I've made it so you now press space to flap your wings instead of sneaking. Sneaking remains as a method to descend and glide.