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Empirical Dynamic Modeling (EDM)

A Pure Python implementation of EDM tools intended for code and algorithm development. Production EDM tools are in cppEDM. The Python EDM package provides a Pandas DataFrame interface to cppEDM.

Functionality is similar to the R implementation rEDM by Ye et. al. See the rEDM vignette for a lucid introduction to EDM.

Functionality includes:

  • Simplex projection (Sugihara and May 1990)
  • Sequential Locally Weighted Global Linear Maps (S-map) (Sugihara 1994)
  • Multivariate embeddings (Dixon et. al. 1999)
  • Convergent cross mapping (Sugihara et. al. 2012)
  • Multiview embedding (Ye and Sugihara 2016)
File Type Description Module Command line parser Module Simplex, S-map and embedding functions Module Applications Executable Wrapper for Methods.EmbedData() Executable Wrapper for EDM.Prediction() Executable Evaluate Tp from 1 to 10 Executable Evaluate θ from 0.01 to 9 Executable Evaluate embeddings with E from 1 to 10 Executable Multiview embedding Executable Convergent Cross Mapping Executable Test suite
notebooks/ Module Interface to IPython/Jupyter


Sugihara G. and May R. 1990. Nonlinear forecasting as a way of distinguishing chaos from measurement error in time series. Nature, 344:734–741.

Sugihara G. 1994. Nonlinear forecasting for the classification of natural time series. Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering, 348 (1688) : 477–495.

Dixon, P. A., M. Milicich, and G. Sugihara, 1999. Episodic fluctuations in larval supply. Science 283:1528–1530.

Sugihara G., May R., Ye H., Hsieh C., Deyle E., Fogarty M., Munch S., 2012. Detecting Causality in Complex Ecosystems. Science 338:496-500.

Ye H., and G. Sugihara, 2016. Information leverage in interconnected ecosystems: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality. Science 353:922–925.

Command line examples

Embedding dimension (E) vs prediction skill (ρ)

Evaluate simplex embedding dimensions from E = 1 to 10 on tent map data from rEDM.

./ -i TentMap_rEDM.csv -c TentMap -l 1 100 -p 201 500 -T 1 -P example

Forecast interval (Tp) vs prediction skill (ρ)

Evaluate simplex prediction intervals in a 2-dimensional embedding on tent map data from rEDM.

./ -i TentMap_rEDM.csv -c TentMap -l 1 100 -p 201 500 -E 2 -P example

S-map localization (θ) vs prediction skill (ρ)

Evaluate S-map localization parameter in a 2-dimensional embedding on tent map data from rEDM.

./ -i TentMapErr_rEDM.csv -c TentMap -l 1 100 -p 201 500 -T 1 -E 2 -P example

Multivariable S-map prediction

Multivariable S-map prediction on three-species data from rEDM. This corresponds to the rEDM block_lnlp() functionality. Multivariable S-map should always use -e (embedded) and -c (columns) to ensure that library and prediction matrix columns correspond to the E dimensions used in the linear decomposition and projection. One can limit k_NN to assess different prediction dynamic range and accuracy.

./ -e -i block_3sp.csv -m smap -r x_t -c x_t y_t z_t -l 1 99 -p 100 198 -T 1 -t 2 -P example example

Multiview ensemble simplex prediction

Multiview simplex prediction on three-species data from rEDM. This corresponds to the rEDM multiview() functionality.

./ -i block_3sp.csv -E 3 -r x_t -c x_t y_t z_t -l 1 100 -p 101 200 -T 1 -P example

Convergent cross mapping

Convergent cross mapping on anchovy and sea surface temperature data from rEDM. This corresponds to the rEDM ccm() functionality.

./ -i sardine_anchovy_sst.csv -c anchovy -r np_sst -E 3 -s 100 -L 7 75 5 -R -P example

Command line arguments

devEDM is coded in a functional paradigm for ease of understanding and use. One exception is the command line argument parser. The Python ArgumentParser class from the argparse module is used with all parameters stored in a namespace object: args.

Command line options for

Option Long Option Description
-h --help Show options and exit.
-m --method Type of projection Simplex or SMap.
-p --prediction Prediction start/stop indices.
-l --library Library start/stop indices.
-E --EmbedDimension Embedding dimension.
-k --knn Number of nearest neighbors.
-T --Tp Forecast interval (0 default).
-t --theta S-Map local weighting exponent (0 default).
-x --exclusionRadius Prediction vector exclusion radius (0 rows default).
-N --noNeighborLimit Don't limit neighbors based on Tp.
-svd --SVDLeastSquares Use SVD least squares in S-Map.
-sig --SVDSignificance S-Map SVD significance (10^-5 default).
-H --hessians S-Map Hessian and tangent columns, list of pairs.
-tr --TikhonovAlpha Tikhonov regularisation initial alpha in S-Map SVD.
-en --ElasticNetAlpha Elastic Net alpha in S-Map.
-M --multiview Multiview ensemble size (sqrt(m) default).
-u --tau Time delay (tau).
-f --forwardTau Embed as t + tau instead of t - tau.
-c --columns Data or embedded data column names.
-r --target Data library target column name.
-e --embedded Input data is an embedding.
-L --libsize CCM Library size range [start, stop, incr].
-s --subsample Number subsamples generated at each library.
-R --randomLib CCM random library samples enabled (False default).
-rp --replacement CCM random samples with replacement (False default).
-S --seed CCM Random number generator seed (None default).
-pa --path Input & Output file path.
-i --inputFile Input observation file.
-o --outputFile Output prediction file.
-os --outputSmapFile S-map Output file.
-oe --outputEmbed Output embedded data file.
-fs --figureSize Figure size (default [5, 3]).
-P --plot Show plot(s).
-PT --plotTitle Plot title.
-PX --plotXLabel Plot x-axis label.
-PY --plotYLabel Plot y-axis label.
-PD --plotDate Time values are pyplot datetime numbers.
-v --verbose Print status messages.
-w --warnings Show warnings.
-D --Debug Activate Debug messsages.


SMapProjection() should be called with libraryMatrix and predictMatrix that have columns explicity correspondng to dimensions E. This means that if a multivariate data set is used, it should Not be called with an embedding from EmbedData() since EmbedData() will add lagged coordinates for each variable. These extra columns will not correspond to the intended dimensions in the matrix inversion and prediction reconstruction. In this case, use the -e (embedded) flag so that the -c (columns) selected correspond to the proper dimension.

Hessian of intra-variable S-Map coefficients can be plotted and stored with the -H option. Keep in mind that S-Map coefficients are estimates of the phase-space variable Jacobians with respect to time ∂C(t+1)/∂C(t) and the other variables ∂Cx(t+1)/∂Cy(t).


Empirical Dynamic Modeling







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