client kit for Go
This client is currently used in production on
Go 1.3 is required.
// start api with the default config (3 workers, 5 seconds timeout on requests)
api, err := goprismic.Get("", "repo key", goprismic.DefaultConfig)
docs, err := api.Master().Form("everything").Query("[[:d = at(document.tags, [\"Featured\"])]]").Order("", goprismic.OrderAsc).Page(1).Submit()
if err != nil {
// handle error
if len(docs) == 0 {
// nothing found
doc := docs[0]
st, found := doc.GetStructuredTextFragment("content")
if found {
You have to resolve document links using a user-supplied link resolver :
r := func(l link.Link) string {
return l.(*link.DocumentLink).Document.Slug
and resolve links at document/fragment/block level :
st, _ := doc.GetStructuredTextFragment("content")
p, _ := st.GetFirstParagraph()
A simple asynchronous caching proxy is included.
// Up to 1000 documents will be cached.
proxy, err := proxy.New("", "repo key", goprismic.DefaultConfig, proxy.Config{CacheSize: 1000})
// Not cached
docs, err := proxy.Direct().Master().Form("everything").Submit()
// Cached
doc, err := proxy.GetDocument(id)
// Cached
doc, err := proxy.GetDocumentBy("product", "fieldname", "fieldvalue")
// Cached
doc, err := proxy.GetDocumentBy("product", "fieldname", "fieldvalue")
// Cached
res, err := proxy.Search().Form("menu").PageSize(200).Submit()
When a document is updated :
- between "update time" and "update time + TTL", documents are asynchronously refreshed (if a document is accessed, the cached version is returned, and the cache is asynchronously updated),
- after "update time + TTL", documents are fetched directly from prismic (cache miss).
If no ttl is set, refreshes are always asynchronous.
You can define :
- a refresh chance (between 0 and 1) - only a fraction of contents will be refreshed at a time, ensuring that prismic is not flooded after an update,
- a master refresh interval - the proxy will check for updates at the defined frequency.
The proxy will try to avoid flooding prismic by automatically lower/raise the refresh chance.
Access to the prismic api is done using workers, limiting the number of simultaneous connexions to the API.
See for the api documentation and for the proxy documentation.
Blog post :
This bundle is released under the MIT license (see LICENSE).