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Windows Manual Installation

Mateusz Zakarczemny edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 12 revisions

Sming Manual Installation

This is a DEPRECATED way of installing Sming. It will not be supported in the next versions.

Please consider using a simple way of installing Sming via Chocolatey. Package sources are available as well

If you still want to install it manually, please make sure the following steps are taken:

1. Install Unofficial Development Kit

  1. Install Universial Development Kit.
  2. Install Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Install Eclipse Luna. Unpack the archive to c:\Eclipse
  4. Install MingGW. Run mingw-get-setup.exe. Add install support for the graphical user interface. Install to c:\MinGW.
  5. Install additional modules for MinGW. Run install-mingw-package.bat
  6. Start the Eclipse Luna from the directory c:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe
  7. In Eclipse, select File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace, in the line Select root directory, select the directory C:\Espressif\examples and import work projects. Further, the right to select the Make Target project, such as hello-world and run the target All the assembly, while in the console window should display the progress of the build. To select the target firmware flash.

Install additional mingw packages

C:\MinGW\bin\mingw-get install "msys-make"

Create directory link for compatibility building (with admin permissions)

mklink /d c:\Espressif\sdk c:\Espressif\ESP8266_SDK

2. Set Environment Variables (requires Eclipse/cmd restart)

Windows System PATH variable should contain a path to c:\mingw\bin and c:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin:

Make sure it is in this exact order. This step is also required for some old sming installations.

SETX PATH /M C:\mingw\bin;C:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin;%PATH%

3. Make sure to set SMING_HOME and ESP_HOME environment variables

SETX SMING_HOME c:\tools\Sming\Sming
SETX ESP_HOME c:\Espressif

Please make sure there are no trailing slashes at the end of both paths!

4. Make sure to have esptool2 in path environment variables (fot rBoot to work)

git clone
### Download libwinpthread-1.dll from internet and copy to esptool2 directory and $(SMING_HOME)/spiffy directory
cd esptool2
cd $(SMING_HOME)/spiffy

Also make sure, mingw64/bin is path before cygwin bin in %PATH% environmental variable in windows.

Eclipse IDE variables

You can manually add variables into Eclipse IDE: Window > Preferences -> C/C++ > Build > Environment

It won't be accessible outside Eclipse IDE

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