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applicationset-progressive-sync is a controller to allow a progressive sync of ArgoCD Applications generated by an ApplicationSet.


Argo ApplicationSet is being developed as the solution to replace the app-of-apps pattern.

While ApplicationSet is great to programmatically generate ArgoCD Applications, we will still need to solve how to update the Applications.

If we enable the auto-sync policy, we will update all the generated Applications at once.

This might not be a problem if we have only one production cluster, but organizations with tens or hundreds of clusters need to avoid a global rollout. They need to release new versions of their application in a safer way.

The applicationset-progressive-sync controller allows operators and developers to decide how they want to update their Applications.

Example spec

kind: ProgressiveSync
  name: myprogressivesync
  namespace: argocd
  # a reference to the target ApplicationSet in the same namespace
    name: myappset
    # the rollout steps
  # app sync options
    # enable prune resources during sync, disabled by default
    prune: true
      # human friendly name
    - name: two clusters as canary in EMEA
      # how many targets to update in parallel
      # can be an integer or %.
      maxParallel: 2
      # how many targets to update from the selector result
      # can be an integer or %.
      maxTargets: 2
      # which targets to update
              area: emea
    - name: rollout to remaining clusters
      maxParallel: 2
      maxTargets: 4
          selector: {}

Status: pre-alpha

Expect a non-functional controller and breaking changes until Milestone 2 is completed.




The controller connects to an Argo CD server and requires configuration to do so:

ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN: <token of the Argo CD user>
ARGOCD_SERVER_ADDR: <address of the Argo CD server>
ARGOCD_INSECURE: <true/false>

The above configuration is loaded taking into account the following priority order:

  1. Environment Variables.
  1. Files in the Config Directory (/etc/applicationset-progressive-sync/).
├── applicationset-progressive-sync/
│   ├── ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN  # file content: ey...
│   ├── ARGOCD_SERVER_ADDR # file content: argocd-server
│   ├── ARGOCD_INSECURE    # file content: true

If at least one of the options is missing, the controller will fail to start.


Local development with Kubebuilder

To get the controller running against the configured Kubernetes cluster in ~/.kube/config, run:

make install
make run

Please remember the ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN, ARGOCD_SERVER_ADDR and ARGOCD_INSECURE environment variables need to be present in order to run against a Kubernetes cluster with Argo CD. If the cluster was configured using the hack/ script, these variables are part of the .env.local file.

Deploying to a Kubernetes cluster

To deploy the controller to a Kubernetes cluster, run:

make install
make docker-build
make deploy

In order to do so, the target cluster needs to have a secret named prc-config containing the three necessary variables: ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN, ARGOCD_SERVER_ADDR and ARGOCD_INSECURE. If using the dev environment in the following section, this secret has already been created.

If using kind clusters, docker images need to be loaded manually using kind load docker-image <image>:<version> --name <cluster-name>.

Configuration Secret

Here's a sample secret of the necessary configuration:

apiVersion: v1
  ARGOCD_SERVER_ADDR: argocd-server
kind: Secret
  name: prc-config
  namespace: argocd
type: Opaque

Setting up dev environment

To facilitate local debugging and testing against real clusters, you may run:

bash hack/
bash hack/ [argocd-version] [appset-version]
make install
make deploy

this will install all the dependencies (pre-commit, kubebuilder, argocd, kind) and it will install the correct version of ArgoCD Application API package for you. If you omit argocd-version and/or appset-version it will default to the latest stable/tested versions of ArgoCD and Appset controller.

After running the script, you will have 3 kind clusters created locally:

  • kind-argocd-control-plane - cluster hosting the argocd installation and the progressive sync operator. This cluster is also registered with Argo so that we can simulate using the same process for deploying to control cluster as well
  • kind-prc-cluster-1 and kind-prc-cluster-2 - are the target clusters for deploying the apps to.

This gives us a total of 3 clusters allowing us to play with multiple stages of deploying. It will also log you in argocd cli. You can find additional login details in .env.local file that will be generated for your convenience.

Regenerating your access

In case that your access to the local argocd has become broken, you can regenerate it by running

bash hack/

This will create a socat link in kind docker network allowing you to access argocd server UI through your localhost. The exact port will be outputted after the command has been run. Running this command will also update the values in .env.local.

Registering additional clusters

If you want to create additional clusters, you can do so by running:

bash hack/add-cluster <cluster-name> <recreate> <labels>

This will spin up another kind cluster and register it against ArgoCD running in kind-argocd-control-plane

Deploying local test resources

You can deploy a test appset and a progressive sync object to your kind environment via:

bash hack/

Feel free to extend the cluster generation section of the appset spec if you want to deploy it clusters that you have manually created.


make debug

Invoking the command above should spin up a Delve debugger server in headless mode. You can then use your IDE specific functionality or the delve client itself to attach to the remote process and debug it.

NOTE: On MacOSX, delve is currently unkillable in headless mode with ^C or any other control signals that can be sent from the same terminal session. Instead, you'd need to run

bash ./hack/


make debug

from another terminal session to kill the debugger.

Debugging tests

Delve can be used to debug tests as well. See Test launch configuration in .vscode/launch.json. Something similar should be achievable in your IDE of choice as well.

Update ArgoCD Application API package

Because of argoproj/argo-cd#4055 we can't just run go get

Use hack/ to install the correct version of the Application API.