RAG backend for the RAG over the AI-act
[parsed] 2021, commission creates proposal 52021-PC0206
[parsed] 2022, council reacts to proposal ST-15698-2022-INIT_EN
political groups and committees propose amendments 3000+
- see amendements parlementaires [TODO-Matching]
- see Amendments Committees [TODO-ReExtract]
[parsed] [TODO-Matching] 2023 parliament accepts 700 amendments TA-9-2023-0236_EN_amendments.pdf
2024: draft of regulation is leaked
[parsed] [NOT-Matched] final four document, 892 p, AIAct_final_four-column21012024.pdf, includes
- 2021 Commission (== 52021-PC0206)
- 2022 Council (== ST-15698-2022-INIT_EN)
- 2023 Parliament (?= TA-9-2023-0236_EN_amendments.pdf )
- 2024 leaked draft
[parsed] 02.2024 Coreper AIA-Trilogue-Coreper20240202.pdf
question: is the version in TA-9-2023-0236_EN_amendments.pdf same as column EP mandate in final four ?
- Match accepted amendments TA-9-2023-0236_EN_amendments.pdf titles with final version coreper titles
- check if TA-9-2023-0236_EN_amendments.pdf is similar to EP mandate column in final four
- what about trilogue version, AIA - Trilogue - Mandates 6 December 2023.pdf