MyReads is the seventh project for the Udacity Frontend Developer Nanodegree Program.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need Node.js® and npm to run this app.
The Node Package Manager (npm) is distributed with Node.js. When you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer.
Download the latest stable release from and install it with default settings. On Linux, you can also install Node via the package manager, as described here.
To verify your installation open your terminal and look up where node and npm were installed and check their versions:
foo@bar:~$ which node && node -v
foo@bar:~$ which npm && npm -v
- Clone or download this repository
Change to a folder you want the app folder in. Then clone the files of this repo to a new directory and changee into it:
foo@bar:~$ git clone MyNewAppDirectory
foo@bar:~$ cd MyNewAppDirectory
- Install project dependencies
foo@bar:~$ npm install
- Start the development server
foo@bar:~$ npm start
Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ to see the app.
Build the app for production to the /build
foo@bar:~$ npm run build
Open your package.json
and edit the homepage field. The app is now ready to be deployed.
You can use a static web hosting service like surge, netlify, GitHub Pages or Zeit for fast and easy publishing.
This project was submitted by Daniel Sixl as part of the Frontend Developer Nanodegree Program at Udacity.
As part of Udacity Honor Code, your submissions must be your own work, hence submitting this project as yours will cause you to break the Udacity Honor Code and the suspension of your account. Me, the author of the project, allow you to check the code as a reference, but if you submit it, it's your own responsibility if you get expelled.
© 2018 Daniel Sixl
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Capitalize words in strings in JavaScript - Simple JavaScript debounce function - Merging objects by id in JavaScript - A template to make good - Understanding
this.setState({ [name]: value})