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Optimization Particles and High Frequency Code

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

Optimization: Particles and High-Frequency Code (ARCHIVED)

Area Submitted Type
Games: 2D Graphics, Games: Data Management, Games: Graphics 8/13/2007 Article

Note: This item is no longer supported. It may demonstrate techniques that are no longer valid in current versions of XNA Game Studio. The item is archived here, but will not be updated.


This tutorial teaches you how to find and correct performance problems in your game. It highlights solutions to common performance problems on Xbox 360, using a particle system as an example.

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Download Size Description
OptimizationTutorial_ARCHIVE_2_0.doc 0.08MB The Optimization: High-Frequency Code Article (XNA Game Studio 2.0, Archived).
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