Mythos is a open source collaborative fantasy gaming universe and games system.
My vision for this product is to allow for a community driven and developed series of games and stories.
Mythos is set in a fantastical retelling of the Bronze age. Where all the Gods and Myths of empires long dead are resurrected on tabletop.
Mythos will initially be comprised of three core components, a tabletop wargame, a tabletop roleplaying game, and finally a card game.
Mythos will be decentralized and wholly in public domain. Anyone can copy, edit, redistribute, and profit from the established lore, game systems, art and assets of Mythos. But nobody is permitted to copyright, trademark, or prohibit anyone else from doing the same.
Organization of Mythos will be managed by a collection of dedicated players and myself. Community feedback and input shall be prioritized and there shall be zero monetary aspirations for this games system.
I hope to find interested parties willing to collaborate and build this project together in the future, for now however, it shall remain a small side project i occasionally work on.