- 👌 一名因兴趣而投身编程的世界探索者
- 👨💻 专注于区块链、金融科技、数据开发与爬虫技术
- 💬 微信:bestboyofchn
- 🤔 问题:知乎 @李和邪
- 👌 A programming enthusiast driven by passion
- 👨💻 Focused on blockchain, fintech, data development, and web scraping
- 💬 WeChat: bestboyofchn
- 📊 大数据处理与分析 / Big Data Processing & Analysis
- 🤖 量化交易策略研究 / Quantitative Trading Strategy Research
- 🌱 相信数据的力量,用技术解读世界 / Believe in the Power of Data, Interpret the World with Technology
- 🌍 不断学习,持续进步,与技术共成长 / Keep Learning, Keep Progressing, Grow with Technology