A minimal Bitwarden GUI written in POSIX shellscript.
I created dmenu_bw as a hotkeyed password manager for minimal window manager desktop sessions. It is highly inspired by the mouseless workflow of tiling window managers, allowing the rapid lookup, creation, and editing of Bitwarden vault items. The goal of dmenu_bw is to provide the same capabilities as the official Bitwarden client but without the Electron dependency.
- Fast 🔥🔥🔥
- Light (no Electron)! 🪶
- Copy passwords!
- Create vault items!
- Edit vault items!
- bitwarden-cli (aur)
- dmenu
- yad
- xclip
- libnotify (optional)
Run dmenu_bw
If you are not logged in, it will ask for your username and password.
If you are logged in, but your session is locked, it will ask for your password. See configuration/sessionKeyFile
If login was successful or your session was already unlocked, it will show the main list of actions create, logout, sync, and the list of vault items.
- Copying Passwords
- Creating Vault Items
- Editing Vault Items
- Deleting Vault Items
- Syncing Vault Items
- Logging Out
Select an item from the main list and select copy
. See
Select create
from the main list. Passwords are
automatically generated based on the passwordGenCmd
See configuration/passwordGenCmd.
time: 4.33s
Select an item from the main list and select edit
. See
time: 5.16s
Select an item from the main list and select delete
Select sync
from the main list.
Select logout
from the main list.
dmenu_bw looks for ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/dmenu_bw/config.json
If no file is found, the default configuration is
"copyCmds": {
"login": {
".login.username": [
"echo \"$value\" | xclip -i -selection clipboard"
".login.password": [
"echo \"$value\" | xclip -i -selection primary"
"securenote": {},
"card": {},
"identity": {}
"dmenuOpts": "-i -l 10",
"editCmd": "xterm -e nano",
Notice that the default behavior is to copy the username to clipboard and password to primary at the same time. This is so you can paste your username and password time without having going back and forth to the password manager.
Hint: use middle mouse click to paste your primary clipboard, or use sxhkd to
paste your primary clipboard with Super + v
sleep 0.25 &&
xdotool type --clearmodifiers "$(xclip -o -selection primary)"
Contains objects for each of the Bitwarden item types.
Each object contains an array named after the property of said item.
The array contains commands to be evaluated where $value
is the
value of the property of said item.
e.g. copy usernames and passwords to the clipboard and tmux:
"login": {
".login.username": [
"echo \"$value\" | xclip -i -selection clipboard",
"tmux set-buffer \"$value\""
".login.password": [
"echo \"$value\" | xclip -i -selection primary",
"tmux set-buffer \"$value\""
e.g. output identities to a file:
"identity": {
".": [
"echo \"$value\" > /tmp/bar"
Options to pass to the dmenu command.
Editing vault items with yad is not yet supported. Vault items can be edited by passing the raw JSON item to your editor command.
e.g. edit items with st and nvim
"editCmd": "st -e nvim"
The command for automatically generating new login passwords.
e.g. generate a random 16-character password
"passwordGenCmd": "tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]~{}|;:,./<>?' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16"
The path of the file to output your BW_SESSION
shell export whenever
a new session key is generated. If you like this method of session
persistence, simply set sessionKeyFile and source that file in your
shell's rc.
"sessionKeyFile": "/home/foo/.cache/bwsession"
source /home/foo/.cache/bwsession
Please share your comments (and commits) on how to make the program better.
Here is a list of missing features that are currently being worked on.
- attachments
- configuration options at runtime
- custom fields
- editing vault items with yad
- logo