The Q-Tables are developed on
Frozen Lake environment
Implemented the Q-table and update it with update rule and action sampling
Found a trade-off between exploration (choosing random actions) and exploitation (choosing the action with the highest expected reward)
Policy Gradients:
Model-free reinforcement learning algorithm
CartPole environment (see Figure 1)
Num Observation Min Max 0 Cart Position (m) -4.8 4.8 1 Car Velocity (m/s) -∞ ∞ 2 Pole Angle (rad) -0.418 0.418 3 Pole Velocity at tip (1/s) -∞ ∞ -
The episode ends when
- the pole is more than 12 degrees from vertical, or
- the cart position is more than 2.4 (center of the cart reaches the edge of or the display), or
- episode length is greater than 500.