This is an example of a differential fuzzing harness for Rust code using AFL and libdiffuzz. It tests lodepng-rust for memory disclosure vulnerabilities.
# Install AFL
cargo install --force afl
# Download and build libdiffuzz
git clone
cd libdiffuzz
cd ..
# Download lodepng repository (optional, you can use instead)
git clone
# Download this fuzzing harness, build the code with fuzzing instrumentation
git clone
cd lodepng-afl-fuzz-differential
cargo afl build --release
# Run the fuzzer with libdiffuzz injected into the target binary
AFL_PRELOAD=../libdiffuzz/ cargo afl fuzz -i ../lodepng-rust/fuzz/seeds/decode32 -o afl_results -M master target/release/lodepng-afl-fuzz-differential
# If you want to fuzz the process in parallel, run a few more jobs like this in other terminal windows:
AFL_PRELOAD=../libdiffuzz/ cargo afl fuzz -i ../lodepng-rust/fuzz/seeds/decode32 -o afl_results -S slave1 target/release/lodepng-afl-fuzz-differential
AFL_PRELOAD=../libdiffuzz/ cargo afl fuzz -i ../lodepng-rust/fuzz/seeds/decode32 -o afl_results -S slave2 target/release/lodepng-afl-fuzz-differential
# ...and so on
# Once the "Cycles done" counter turns green, it means the fuzzer has not discovered any new state transitions in a while and it's time to stop
For more information on using AFL consult Rust Fuzz book and AFL README. For documentation on libdiffuzz see its repository.
This code is licensed under Creative Commons Zero 1.0