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GCAP (Gene-level Circular Amplicon Prediction) firstly implements extrachromosomal DNA detection from whole-exome-sequencing (WES) data and absolute copy number profiles.


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GCAP: Gene-level Circular Amplicon Prediction


In a nutshell, gcap provides an end-to-end workflow for predicting circular amplicon (also known as ecDNA, extra-chromosomal DNA ) in gene level with machine learning approach, then classifying cancer samples into different focal amplification (fCNA) types, based on input from WES (tumor-normal paired BAM, with corresponding .bai index files) data, allele specific copy number data (e.g., results from ASCAT or Sequenza), or even absolute integer copy number data (e.g., results from ABSOLUTE). The former two data sources are preferred as input of gcap .


Install alleleCount (WES bam data only)

alleleCount is required to run ASCAT on WES bam data, if you haven't installed conda or miniconda, please install firstly, then install the alleleCount in terminal with:

conda create -n cancerit -c bioconda cancerit-allelecount

NOTE: gcap set the default alleleCount as the ~/miniconda3/envs/cancerit/bin/alleleCounter, if you use conda or other approaches, please set the path when you use corresponding functions.

Install ASCAT (required)

Latest ASCAT v3

From v1.2, GCAP uses the latest version of ASCAT. Install ASCAT v3 in R console from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

We have provided generated reference files above, but sometimes you may want to generate the reference data for yourself, in such case, please refer to for generating the required allele-specific copy number data.

Reference files:

The reference files are required in ASCAT for copy number calling.

The prediction model was built with data on the top of hg38 genome build, so hg38-based BAM file input is more recommended.

A fixed version of ASCAT v3

In our manuscript, we used a fixed version of ASCAT for the GCAP data pre-processing (modified and adapted for GCAP workflow in HPC). It does not fit the R version >=4.3.

# This is a forked version ASCAT
remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/ascat@v3-for-gcap-v1", subdir = "ASCAT")
# A ASCAT version with loose SAM flag, useful sometimes
# remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/ascat@v3-f1", subdir = "ASCAT")
# See

Reference files:

Alternatives to ASCAT

For the latest version of GCAP, sequenza or facets are supported for preprocessing the bam data, please refer to the provided links for usage.

Install GCAP (required)

Install gcap in R console:

# r-universe
install.packages('gcap', repos = c('', ''))

# or GitHub

To work with the fixed version of ASCAT, you have to install version commits no more newer than 42f216d (tag v1.1.5), i.e., please use remotes::install_github("ShixiangWang/[email protected]") and the R version should below v4.3.

If you would like to use CLI program in Shell terminal, run the following code in your R console after installation:


Two scripts gcap-bam.R and gcap-ascn.R shall be linked to your path /usr/local/bin/. You can use one of them based on you input data.


For users with package GetoptLong version >= 1.1.0, a main command is implemented and also linked to /usr/local/bin/ when calling deploy(). So you can type gcap as a unified interface.

$ gcap
gcap (v1.0.0)
Usage: gcap [command] [options]

  bam     Run GCAP workflow with tumor-normal paired BAM files
  ascn    Run GCAP workflow with curated allele-specific copy number data


NOTE: gcap use XGBOOST < 1.6, if you have installed a latest version, you can install the specified version with:

install.packages("", repos = NULL)


Run the following code to see a quick example:


rv <- gcap.ASCNworkflow(ascn, outdir = tempdir(), model = "XGB11")

Pipeline (WES bam data only)

To run gcap from bam files, a machine with at least 80GB RAM is required for the allelecount process. If you set multiple threads, please note the parallel computation is used in part of the workflow. You should balance the nthread setting and the computing power your machine provides by yourself.

It generally takes ~0.5h to finish one case (tumor-normal pair).

In our practice, when we want to process multiple cases, set nthread = 22 and directly let gcap handle multiple cases (instead of writing a loop yourself) is good enough.

A recommended setting for Slurm is given as:

#SBATCH -o output-%J.o
#SBATCH -n 22
#SBATCH --mem=102400

Templates of practical calling command with provided hg38 and hg19 annotations are given below:

# hg38 ----------------
  tumourseqfile = tfile, normalseqfile = nfile, tumourname = tn, normalname = nn, jobname = id,
  outdir = outdir,
  allelecounter_exe = "~/miniconda3/envs/cancerit/bin/alleleCounter", 
  g1000allelesprefix = file.path(
  g1000lociprefix = file.path("/data/wsx/data/1000G_loci_hg38/",
  GCcontentfile = "/data/wsx/data/GC_correction_hg38.txt",
  replictimingfile = "/data/wsx/data/RT_correction_hg38.txt",
  skip_finished_ASCAT = TRUE,
  skip_ascat_call = FALSE,
  result_file_prefix = "xxx",
  extra_info = df,
  include_type = FALSE,
  genome_build = "hg38",
  model = "XGB11"

# hg19 ----------------
  tumourseqfile = tfile, normalseqfile = nfile, tumourname = tn, normalname = nn, jobname = id,
  outdir = outdir,
  allelecounter_exe = "~/miniconda3/envs/cancerit/bin/alleleCounter", g1000allelesprefix = file.path(
  ), g1000lociprefix = file.path("/data/wsx/data/1000G_loci_hg19/", "1000genomesloci2012chrstring_chr"),
  GCcontentfile = "/data/wsx/data/GC_correction_hg19.txt", replictimingfile = "/data/wsx/data/RT_correction_hg19.txt",
  skip_finished_ASCAT = TRUE,
  skip_ascat_call = FALSE,
  result_file_prefix = "xxx",
  extra_info = NULL,
  include_type = FALSE,
  genome_build = "hg19",
  model = "XGB11"

Pipeline (Allele specific or absolute copy number data)

Please refer to ?gcap.ASCNworkflow().


For more custom and advanced control of the analysis, you can read the structured documentation at package site.


For better debugging and rechecking. The logging information of your operation with gcap would be saved into an independent file. You can use the following commands to get the file path and print logging message. Please note you have to use ::: to access these functions as they are not exported from gcap.

> gcap:::get_log_file()
[1] "~/Library/Logs/gcap/gcap.log"
> gcap:::cat_log_file()

Docker image

A docker image is available in ghcr along with its corresponding Dockerfile. This image comes pre-installed with all the necessary software. However, users are responsible for mapping the required reference files and input data files on their own. The Dockerfile can be customized according to the user's specific requirements, as permitted by the license we provide.

docker pull

Related tools

  • gcaputils: gcap utils for downstream analysis and visualization.
  • DoAbsolute: Automate Absolute Copy Number Calling using 'ABSOLUTE' package.
  • sigminer: An easy-to-use and scalable toolkit for genomic alteration signature (a.k.a. mutational signature) analysis and visualization in R.


gcap outputs two data tables including feature table and prediction result.


Wang, S., Wu, C. Y., He, M. M., Yong, J. X., Chen, Y. X., Qian, L. M., ... & Zhao, Q. (2024). Machine learning-based extrachromosomal DNA identification in large-scale cohorts reveals its clinical implications in cancer. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-17.


This software and associated documentation files (the “Software”) are protected by copyright. This Software is provided “as is” (at your own risk) for internal non-commercial academic research purposes only. Please read the Non-Commercial Academic License in detail before downloading a copy. By installing or using this Software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Non-Commercial Academic License.

All commercial use of the Software or any modification, manipulation or derivative of the Software, including but not limited to transfer, sale or licence to a commercial third party or use on behalf of a commercial third party (including but not limited to use as part of a service supplied to any third party for financial reward) is strictly prohibited and requires a commercial use licence. This software is protected by the P. R. China patent 202211067952.6 For further information please email [email protected] or [email protected].


GCAP (Gene-level Circular Amplicon Prediction) firstly implements extrachromosomal DNA detection from whole-exome-sequencing (WES) data and absolute copy number profiles.






