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Project Local Setup

Shivansh Yadav edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 1 revision

1.) Fork the repository by click the Fork button at the top right of the page.

Screenshot from 2022-09-22 12-07-47

2.) Navigate to a directory, open the terminal and paste the following command and replace your-github-username with your GitHub username:

git clone

3.) To start the project locally we need to create a sqlite file with name as data.db. Navigate to the root of the project and create a folder with the name sqlite_database and inside it create a file data.db.

4.) Now we are ready to start the server, run the following:

go run main.go

5.) Now you can visit localhost:3000 and you will be able to see: Screenshot from 2022-09-22 12-21-21

Clone this wiki locally