Given a number and the opponent should reply with how many As and how many Bs
supposed to use:
"dependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^29.5.14",
"@types/node": "^22.8.1",
"actionhero": "^29.3.2",
"jest": "^29.7.0",
"ts-jest": "^29.2.5",
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"typescript": "^5.6.3"
"devDependencies": {
"ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^27.5.2",
"@types/node": "^16.18.0",
"actionhero": "^28.0.0",
"jest": "^27.5.1",
"ts-jest": "^27.1.5",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"typescript": "^4.9.5"
- action 是有版本號的
- "actions of the same name with various versions, set the version parameter"
- 試試看把名字換到有
- 用 cli 也許可以解
- Use the actionhero CLI
- (npx) actionhero generate action --name my_action
- (npx) actionhero generate task --name my_task --queue default --frequency 0
- Use the actionhero CLI