C header only package
dub add tfd:deimos
import/export TF graph between Python and D
mir.ndslice integration
@nogc nothrow @safe
import tfd;
import mir.ndslice : iota, sliced;
auto s = iota(2, 3);
Tensor t = s.tensor; // reference counted TF_Tensor type
const st = t.slicedAs(s);
assert(t.dataType == TF_INT64);
assert(t.shape[] == s.shape);
assert(st == s);
python-like scripting session.run usage
import tfd;
/// tensor add
with (newGraph)
import mir.ndslice : as, iota;
auto i = iota(2, 3, 4).as!float;
auto x = placeholder!float("x", 2, 3, 4);
auto two = constant(i);
auto add = x + two;
auto results = session.run([add], [x: i.tensor]);
assert(results[0].sliced!(float, 3) == i * 2);
@nogc nothrow
version (tfd_test)
@nogc nothrow @safe
import std.typecons : tuple;
import tfd.tensor : tensor, Tensor;
import tfd.graph : newGraph, Operation;
with (newGraph)
Operation x = placeholder!int("x");
Operation two = constant(2);
Operation add = x + two;
Operation[1] inops;
inops[0] = x;
Tensor[1] inputs;
inputs[0] = 3.tensor;
Operation[1] outops;
outops[0] = add;
Tensor[1] outputs;
session.run(inops, inputs, outops, outputs);
assert(outputs[0].scalar!int == 5);
with (newGraph)
// auto x = operationByName("x");
// auto add = operationByName("add");