A node module written in Typescript to interact with SBanken's API.
If these steps are outdated you can find the updated instructions here and please create an issue or PR here :)
- Enable the Beta program on your account. You can do this on the Beta settings page.
- Then goto your API overview page to register a new application.
- Create a new application, an application key will be shown on the page.
This is your
in this module.
Note: Sometimes the API will respond with
{ error: "invalid_client" }
with the new secret, just give it a few miutes to catch up.
- Generate a new password, this is your
in this module. - Your
is your norwegian "personnummer" (11 digits)
npm i @sherex/sbanken
import { SBanken, ClientParamOptions } from '@sherex/sbanken'
const options: ClientParamOptions = {
applicationId: process.env.SB_APPLICATION_ID!,
applicationSecret: process.env.SB_APPLICATION_SECRET!,
customerId: process.env.SB_CUSTOMER_ID!
const client = new SBanken(options)
;(async () => {
console.log('##### Accounts')
const accounts = await client.getAccounts()
console.log('##### Customer')
const customer = await client.getCustomer()
console.log(`${customer.firstName} ${customer.lastName}`)
console.log('##### Transactions')
const transactionsOptions: TransactionParamOptions = {
startDate: '2020-04-01',
endDate: '2020-06-14',
index: '20',
length: '30'
const transactions = await client.getTransactions(accounts[0].accountId!, transactionsOptions)
const { SBanken } = require('@sherex/sbanken')
const options = {
applicationId: process.env.SB_APPLICATION_ID,
applicationSecret: process.env.SB_APPLICATION_SECRET,
customerId: process.env.SB_CUSTOMER_ID
const client = new SBanken(options)
;(async () => {
console.log('##### Accounts')
const accounts = await client.getAccounts()
console.log('##### Customer')
const customer = await client.getCustomer()
console.log(`${customer.firstName} ${customer.lastName}`)
console.log('##### Transactions')
const transactions = await client.getTransactions(accounts[0].accountId, {
startDate: '2020-04-01',
endDate: '2020-06-14',
index: '20',
length: '30'
Hot tip! Use an IDE with Typescript support to get auto-complete for all parameters and data returned. I recommend VSCode.
Create a new SBanken client. Used in the following calls.
SBanken#getToken(): TokenData
Returns the token and information about it.
SBanken#getAccounts(): Account[]
Returns all of your accounts.
SBanken#getAccount(accountId): Account
Returns specified account.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
accountId | string | undefined | An account ID you got from .getAccounts() or your account number. |
SBanken#getTransactions(accountId, options?): Transaction
Returns transactions for specified account ID, within constraints in options
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
accountId | string | undefined | An account ID you got from .getAccounts() or an account number (If you use an account number, it will use .getAccount() to get the accountId ). |
options.startDate | string | endDate -30 days |
Date part of ISO-8601 [2020-07-11 ]. The start of the query time span. Must be less than or equal to endDate , and less than or equal to the current date +1 day. |
options.endDate | string | current date | Date part of ISO-8601 [2020-08-10 ]. The end of the query time span. Must be greater than or equal to startDate , and less than or equal to the current date +1 day. |
options.index | string | '0' | The index of the first item to be retrieved, within the time span. |
options.length | string | '100' | Return a number of items items up to this value, starting from options.index . |
SBanken#getCustomer(): Customer
Get information about you as a customer.
Bank - Swagger docs
Customers - Swagger docs
git clone https://github.com/Sherex/node-sbanken
cd node-sbanken
npm i
npm run dev sandbox.ts
To update the swagger schemas and typings run npm run spec:update-all
Then run npm run spec:lint:fix
to fix the linting errors in those files only.
To add a new schema to the module, uncomment (or add) the entry in ./tools/update-specs.ts
Then run npm run spec:update-all
and npm run spec:lint:fix
Now add the new import and exports in ./src/types/sbanken-api.types.ts
, in the same format as the others.
Splitting the API response data and the actual data and other sections if needed.
For running code while developing, use npm run dev {file_name}
(for example npm run dev sandbox.ts
This uses ts-node-dev
to build and run the code automatically.
This repo is using the Standard with Typescript ESlint config.
To check linting run:
npm run lint
To fix the linting run:
npm run lint:fix