Live site :
Admin board :
This responsive gallery is dedicated to my mother's paintings. It consists in two sections:
- a public one where visitors can read about the artist's techniques and inspirations, view her paintings, and drop comments.
- a private one* where the administrator can manage the gallery's contents.
The backend is built with PHP and MySQL.
Both frontend are powered with AngularJS. The public frontend is built with Angular-Material, and viewerJS*; while the private frontend is built with raw HTML5/CSS3, angular-draganddrop and the excellent DanialFarid's angular-file-upload.
Admin-board features one simple editor to:
- organize paints into groups
- drop-in (or selects from your drive) an image file
- specify the paint's dimensions
- automatic error display (Angular's ngMessages)
The admin can also dragover paints objects within or between groups.
- integrate ViewerJS
- authentification is not active yet