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Fireshare Configurables

Shane Israel edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 7 revisions

Configuring Fireshare is done through both Environment Variables and a generated Config.json file. Configurations that require the application to restart in order to take effect are done through Environment Variables. Where is configurations that can be changed on the fly are done so via a config.json file.


ADMIN_USERNAME admin The username used to log into the admin account.
ADMIN_PASSWORD admin The password used to log into the admin account.
SECRET_KEY The secret used to generate your session cookies.
MINUTES_BETWEEN_VIDEO_SCANS 5 The time in minutes Fireshare waits before running the scheduled video scans.
DOMAIN The domain your fireshare instance is hosted at. Required for Open Graph previews to work correctly with shared links in social media sites and apps. (do not include http:// or https:// in the url) example:
THUMBNAIL_VIDEO_LOCATION 0 The location video thumbnails are generated. A value between 0-100 where 50 would be the frame in the middle of the video file and 0 would be the first frame of the video.
PUID 1000 The user id that the docker user should use.
PGID 1000 The group id that the docker user should use.


The config.json is located at your volume map for the /data directory. Changing these values does not require an application restart.

This config.json file can also be edited from the Settings page in the web application.

"app_config": {
  "video_defaults": {
    "private": true <-------------------------------# Default newly scanned videos to private
  "allow_public_upload": false, <-------------------# Enable / Disable the url endpoint for public video uploads
  "public_upload_folder_name": "public uploads", <--# The folder that Fireshare will create or use to store public uploads
  "admin_upload_folder_name": "uploads" <-----------# The folder that Fireshare will create or use to store admin uploads
"ui_config": {
  "shareable_link_domain": "" <----# Override the domain used when copying links
  "show_public_upload": false, <---# Display the upload card ui element on the public videos page
  "show_admin_upload": true, <-----# Display the upload card ui element on the admin only page (My Videos)
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