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Powershell dotfiles

Setup ⚙

Most of the following packages are required. If you don't want to install any, delete the related package commands in powershell/user_profile.ps1

Font 🔠

Install the latest Hack NF font of the ryanoasis/nerd-fonts repository

Scoop 📦

Powershell dependency manager

iwr -useb | iex
scoop install curl sudo jq neovim gcc

Edit file $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost and add the following line:

. $env:USERPROFILE\.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1

Set the .config\powershell\env.ps1 enviornment variable values

# Env
$env:GIT_SSH = "C:\Windows\system32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe"
$env:GP_PATH = $env:PROJ_PATH + "gestpath"
$env:GPAPI_PATH = $env:PROJ_PATH + "gpapi"
$env:SPHAPI_PATH = $env:PROJ_PATH + "sphere-api"

Oh my posh 💻

Prompt framework

Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force
scoop install

Terminal Icons

File icons for ll command

Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery -Force
Import-Module Terminal-Icons

Z 🏠

Will change directory by name based on frequency and history. z desk will go to desktop

Install-Module -Name z -Force

PSReadLine 🔮

Prompt autocomplete

Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History

Fuzzy finder 🔍

Find directories with Ctrl+F and Ctrl+R

scoop install fzf
Install-Module -Name PSFzf -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Commands 🤖

gpconfig is a gp config swapper. See gpconfig help for more info.

gpversion is a gp version manager. See gpversion help for more info.

gpapiconfig is a gpapi config swapper. See gpapiconfig help for more info.

sphapiconfig is a Sphere api config swapper. See sphapiconfig help for more info.

dockermachine is a ssh office dockermachine shortcut

cdc change current directory to your code directory

killspoty 🔪 kills all bugged spotify processes, what else?

killsteam 🔪 same but for steam

Aliases ✂️

ll shortcut for ls -l


my dotfiles (●'◡'●)






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