Shahina Kunhimon,
Muzammal Naseer,
Salman Khan,
and Fahad Shahbaz Khan
If you find our work, this repository, or pretrained models useful, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation.
author={Kunhimon, Shahina and Naseer, Muzammal and Khan, Salman and Khan, Fahad Shahbaz},
booktitle={2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)},
title={Language Guided Domain Generalized Medical Image Segmentation},
keywords={Image segmentation;Visualization;Adaptation models;Data privacy;Costs;Correlation;Robustness;Multi-modal contrastive learning;Medical image segmentation;Single source domain generalization},
Create and activate conda environment.
conda env create -f lgsdg.yml conda activate lgsdg
Run the setup file for CCSDG module.
cd CCSDG pip install -e.
For Fundus dataset
Download the CCSDG Fundus dataset.For Abdominal and Cardiac datasets
Download the SLAUG Processed datasets and follow the instructions in this repo (SLAug) to organize the data.Get the Text Embeddings
Download the Text_Embeddings and unzip it to use them directly. OR You can download the jupyter notebooks from Notebooks, unzip it, update the text annotations and generate the text embeddings.Fundus Dataset
Download the pretrained model weights and put it in the directory path:
To run the inference:
cd CCSDG python ccsdg/inference/ --model unet_ccsdg --gpu 0 --tag source_Magrabia --log_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER -r ./CCSDG_DATA --ts_csv ./CCSDG_DATA/MESSIDOR_Base1_test.csv
For Abdominal and Cardiac datasets
Download the pretrained models and run the inference:
cd SLAug python -r $CHECKPOINT
Fundus Dataset
Update the paths and run the bash script:
cd CCSDG bash
Abdominal Dataset
For CT -> MRI:
cd SLAug python --base configs/efficientUnet_SABSCT_to_CHAOS.yaml --seed 23
For MRI -> CT:
cd SLAug python --base configs/efficientUnet_CHAOS_to_SABSCT.yaml --seed 23
Cardiac Dataset
For bSSFP -> LEG:
cd SLAug python --base configs/efficientUnet_bSSFP_to_LEG.yaml --seed 23
For LEG -> bSSFP:
cd SLAug python --base configs/efficientUnet_LEG_to_bSSFP.yaml --seed 23
Should you have any questions, please create an issue in this repository or contact [email protected]
Our code is build on the repositories of SLAug and CCSDG. We thank them for releasing their code.