Simple, fast filesharing with Gmail
Download the latest release
Download the latest release for your system under the releases
Unzip the release
unzip ~/Downloads/atmail-[arm/intel].zip
Note: if you have issues here, delete and redownload the zip
Move file to executable path
sudo mv ~/Downloads/atmail-[arm/intel]/atmail /usr/local/bin/
docs updating soon
Set up app password
First set up your gmail app app password, as seen here
Configure email login (done only for first use!)
Once you have your app password, configure your email login as shown:
atmail config <email> <token>
Ex: atmail config xxs\ dgsds\ sdfsdf
Send an attachment
Try sending an email with a file to an email of your choice by:
atmail send <email> <path>
Ex: atmail send ./images/image.png
To uninstall, simply remove the executable and config directory
To remove executable:
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/atmail
To remove the config directory (Mac):
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/atmail
To remove the config directory (Ubuntu):
sudo rm -rf ~/.config/atmail