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Dart Flutter Test

Club Penguin



Introduction 🚀

Club Penguin A multiplayer game involving penguins and anonymous chat in a virtual 2D world

Before we start, you can take a look at the app:

Output sample

Usage 🎨

To clone and run this application, you'll need git and flutter installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd social_media_game.git

# Install dependencies
$ flutter packages get

# Run the app
$ flutter run

Packages 📦

Some very good packages are used in this project.

Package Description
flame A minimalistic Flutter game engine
firebase_auth Firebase Authentication
firebase_core To use the Firebase Core API
firebase_database Firebase Realtime Database
dartz Support functional programming in Dart
build_runner Build Custom Models
flutter_bloc BLoC State Management
flutter_launcher_icons Replace launcher icon
freezed Code generation for immutable classes
google_fonts Support google fonts
injectable Dependency injection
lint Rules handler for Dart
lottie Lottie files animations
mockito Mock library for Dart
provider Provider State Management

Directory Structure 🏢

The project directory structure is as follows:

├── android
├── asset
├── build
├── images
├── ios
├── lib
├── test
├── analysis_options.yaml
├── pubspec.lock
├── pubspec.yaml


Directory Description
application State management layer
core Core files which depend on all these layers
domain Model and contract layer
infrastructure Data layer
presentation Widget layer


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