This research compendium contains the source files for my PhD. It is organised as an R package that contains a function that will render the R markdown files into a single attractive PDF that conforms to the UW Graduate School requirements for thesis formatting. The thesis chapters, figures and raw data files are in the inst/rmarkdown_template
The most convinent way to access the files in this compendium is to download the zip file and unzip on your computer, or clone this repository to your computer with this line at the terminal:
git clone
Then open the Kwak_S_PhD_Thesis.RProj
file in RStudio to explore the compendium. The PDF file of the thesis, along with other supporting material, is in the inst/rmarkdown_template
directory .
To install this as an R package, and access the thesis files, use devtools
with the following lines at the R prompt:
devtools::install_github("ropensci/dependencies") # non-CRAN dependency
If you want to rebuild the PDF file of the thesis, you'll need to make a copy of this repository as indicated above, then change the working directory in R to inst/rmarkdown_template
and use the function rmd2pdf
to make a PDF file of the thesis, like this:
You may need to install some additional software before you can build the PDF. In particular, the process depends on Xelatex and pandoc. You can check to see if you have these by running these lines at a shell prompt:
which pandoc
which xelatex
which biber
If you don't have one of these, you can install from the shell prompt like so (these instructions are for Linux, if you're using Windows or OSX, go to Google for instructions specific to your system and Xelatex installation):
# for pandoc
sudo gdebi pandoc-1.13.2-1-amd64.deb
# for biber
sudo apt-get install biber
# for xelatex
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
# for font EB Garamond
sudo apt-get install fonts-ebgaramond
# for font Source Code Pro
sudo cp source-code-pro-1.017R/OTF/*.otf /usr/local/share/fonts/
# for font Lato regular
For acknowledgements relating to the PhD project, please see the PDF in inst/rmarkdown_template
. Here I acknowledge projects that I have drawn from to create this repository (and not the PhD thesis). This compedium contains source code and formatting ideas from the following sources: