Rust mdns demo application
- Checkout the source code
- Compile using cargo (cargo build)
There are the following main options:
-d, --discovery Discovery mdns service (Default option)
-s, --service Start mdns service
On the server machine run rust_mdns with the option --service.
Start service
Local IPv6 address: fe80::b540:c897:268:480e%14
Local IPv4 address:
Opened 2 sockets for mDNS service
Service mDNS: _test-mdns._tcp.local.:42424
Hostname: DESKTOP
Query PTR _services._dns-sd._udp.local.
--> answer _test-mdns._tcp.local. (unicast)
On client machine run rust_mdns with the option --discovery
Local IPv6 address: fe80::b540:c897:268:480e%14 <br>
Local IPv4 address:
Local IPv6 address: fe80::979:5625:c1ca:b489%3
Local IPv4 address:
Opened 4 sockets for DNS-SD
Sending DNS-SD discovery
Reading DNS-SD replies : answer _services._dns-sd._udp.local. PTR _test-mdns._tcp.local. rclass 0x8001 ttl 10 length 18