Spotlight is an open-source .NET console application developed with Microsoft’s .NET standard 5.0, and is written in C#. The program is meant to be run from any command line tool, and requires the use of specifically defined input commands. Spotlight is the culmination of multiple open-source libraries to simplify the process of crawling and scraping text content from the Web. Amongst these libraries includes: Abot, TorSharp, HtmlAgilityPack, MongoDB, CommandLineParser, and Serilog.
- Windows 10
- Installed .NET 5.0+ SDK
Clone this repository to a secure location on your pc. Once cloned, use any command line tool or program to run the following commands...
# Navigate to the ./webcrawler/ folder in the repository
dotnet restore
dotnet build
This will create a working executable of the current version of Spotlight. The exe file will be located in...
# ./webcrawler/bin/Debug/net5.0/
Simply run the exe from that folder location to start the program. However, before running please read the following commands that the program uses.
-s, --single Crawl a single URL. Specify the URL.
-m, --multi Crawl multiple URLs. Pass input file containing URLs.
-h, --handler (Group: Page Handler) Specify page handler type:
* wordFrequency
* sentimentAnalysis
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
When running the program you must specify the type of crawl to perform, and then which OnCrawlCompletion handler to use. The "single" crawl type requires a single url as input, where the "multi" crawl type requires a txt file as input with a url on each line (file should end with empty line). An example execution looks as follows:
# Navigate to the ./webcrawler/ folder in the repository
./bin/Debug/net5.0/webcrawler.exe -s "url to crawl" --handler sentimentAnalysis
# Or
./bin/Debug/net5.0/webcrawler.exe -m "./path/to/txt/file" --handler sentimentAnalysis