The mini playground for F# Programming Language.
Now you can load library and codes like this:
#I "C:\MyDLLs"
#I "C:\MyFSharpCodes"
#r "My.Favorite.dll"
#load "My.Favorite.fs"
You can install .NET Framework Dev Pack 4.6.2.
- Update dependents.
- Bug fix: Switch syntax highlighting config while switch Windows 10 Light/Dark mode.
- Code Runner: Runner can be set to using API.
- Bug fix: Highlight for single character value.
- Update FSharp.Core to version 4.7.2.
- Output window can be set to word wrap mode.
- Remove .NET Core version.
- Support Font "Envy Code".
- Bug fix: Save the maximize state.
- Bug fix: Output window bugs.
- Bug fix: Highlight bugs.
- Bug fix: Code Runner bugs.
- Save the program as DLL file.
- Save and load "Code Template".
- Run the program in a new console.
- Compile and execute more efficiently.
- Receive error message in stderr when the program fails.
- #r/#I/#load preprocessor instruction supported, loading .dll or .fs/.fsx/.fsscript file supported.
- Syntax highlighting bug fixed, now the operator (*) can be rendering correctly.
- Redirect stdout correctly to Output panel.
- More intuitive and clean GUI.