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Enhanced Credit Card Fraud Detection using Graph Neural Networks


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Enhanced Fraud Detection using Graph Neural Networks


Learn to Boost fraud detection accuracy and developer efficiency through Intel's end-to-end, no-code, graph-neural-networks-boosted and multi-node distributed workflows. Check out more workflow examples and reference implementations in the Intel Developer Catalog.

Solution Technical Overview

Fraud detection has traditionally been tackled with classical machine learning algorithms such as gradient boosted machines. However, such supervised machine learning algorithms can lead to unsatisfactory precision and recall due to a few reasons:

  • Severe class imbalance: ratio of fraud to non-fraud transactions is extremely imbalanced with typical values less than 1%
  • Complex fraudster behavior which evolves with time: it is quite difficult to capture user behavior using traditional ML techniques
  • Scale of data: credit card transaction datasets can have billions of transactions which require distributed preprocessing and training
  • Latency of fraud detection: it is important to detect fraud quickly in order to minimize losses, thus highlighting the need for distributed inference

In Intel's Enhanced Fraud Detection reference kit, we employ Graph Neural Networks (GNN) popular for their ability to capture complex behavioral patterns (e.g., fraudsters performing multiple small transactions from different cards to not get caught). We also demonstrate a boost in accuracy by using GNN-boosted features over a baseline trained on traditional ML-only features. To make sure that we don't trade efficiency for accuracy, we enable distributed pipelines. Generally, distributed pipelines take weeks for data scientists to set up and involve numerous technical challenges. Our reference kit allows you to easily benefit from distributed capabilities and enjoy our no-code config-driven user interface. Additionally, we also provide ways for you to customize our solution to your own usecases.

Highlights of Enhanced Fraud Detection Reference Use Case

  • Significantly boost fraud classification accuracy by augmenting classical ML features with features generated through Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
  • Utilize our distributed preprocessing, training and inference pipelines to detect fraud quickly
  • Improve developer efficiency and experimentation with our no-code, config-driven user interface To learn more, visit the CC-Scanner GitHub repository.

Validated Hardware Details

There are workflow-specific hardware and software setup requirements depending on how the workflow is run. Bare metal development system and Docker* image running locally have the same system requirements.

Supported Hardware Precision
Intel® 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Gen Xeon® Scalable Performance processors FP32
Memory >200GB
Storage >50GB

Requirements for distributed pipelines

To benefit from our distributed pipeline, please ensure that -

  1. Password-less ssh is set up on all the nodes.
  2. A network file system (NFS) is set up for all the nodes to access.
  3. A high-speed network between nodes is set up.
  4. A RAM of at least 384 GB.
  5. Storage space of at least 200 GB on localdisk of all nodes.

How It Works

The high-level architecture of the reference use case is shown in the diagram below. We use a credit card transaction dataset open-sourced by IBM (commonly known as the tabformer dataset) in this reference use case to demonstrate the capabilities outlined in the Solution Technical Overview section. folder-structure

Task 1: Feature Engineering (Edge Featurization)

The feature engineering stage ingests the raw data, encodes each column into features using the logic defined in the feature engineering config yaml file and saves processed data.

Task 2: GNN Training (Node Featurization)

The GNN training stage creates homogenous graphs by consuming the processed data generated by Task 1 and trains a GraphSage model in a self-supervised link prediction task setting to learn the latent representations of the nodes (cards and merchants). Once the GNN model is trained, the GNN workflow will concatenate the card and merchant features generated by the model to the corresponding transaction features and saves the GNN-boosted features to a CSV file.

Task 3: XGBoost Training (Fraud Classification)

The XGBoost training stage trains a binary classification model using the data splitting, model parameters and runtime parameters set in the XGB training config yaml file. AUCPR (Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve) is used as the evaluation metric due to its robustness in evaluating highly imbalanced datasets. Data splitting is based on temporal sequence to simulate real-life scenario. The model performance on the tabformer dataset can be found in the table in results section.

Getting Started

Start by defining an environment variable that will store the workspace path, this can be an existing directory or one to be created in further steps. This ENVVAR will be used for all the commands executed using absolute paths.

E. g.

export WORKSPACE=/mtw/work

For distributed pipelines that require more than one kind of storage (NFS and localdisk for instance) an environment variable that provides a clear idea of the storage is use

E. g.

export NFS_DIR=/mtw/nfs-work
export LOCAL_DIR=/mtw/local-work

Notes :

  • If you are using the distributed pipeline, please repeat steps below on localdisk of all nodes as well as on NFS.
  • If you are using the distributed pipeline, please reffer to this NFS configuration as example.

Set up the working directory

Create a working directory for the use case. Use these commands to set up the log folder, data folder and corresponding subfolders inside the working directory. We assume that your working directory is work.

mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE} && cd ${WORKSPACE}
mkdir data ml_tmp gnn_tmp
cd data && mkdir raw_data edge_data node_edge_data

Download the Workflow Repository

Create a working directory for the workflow and clone the Main Repository into your working directory.

git clone
cd CC-Scanner
git submodule update --init --recursive

Your folder structure should follow the directory structure as shown in the figure below. folder-structure

Download the Dataset

Download the transactions.tgz from, upload the transactions.tgz file to the $WORKSPACE/data/raw_data folder, then unzip the transactions.tgz file with command below:

cd $WORKSPACE/data/raw_data
tar -zxvf transactions.tgz

If you want to bring your own dataset, put your raw data in the $WORKSPACE/data/raw_data folder.

Supported Runtime Environment

You can execute the references pipelines using the following environments:

  • Docker
  • Jupyter
  • Argo
  • Bare metal

Run Using Docker

Follow these instructions to set up and run a single node pipeline with our provided Docker image. For running distributed pipeline on bare metal, see the bare metal instructions instructions.

Set Up Docker Engine

You'll need to install Docker Engine on your development system. Note that while Docker Engine is free to use, Docker Desktop may require you to purchase a license. See the Docker Engine Server installation instructions for details.

Setup Docker Compose

Ensure you have Docker Compose installed on your machine. If you don't have this tool installed, consult the official Docker Compose installation documentation.

mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
docker compose version

Set Up Docker Image

Build or pull the provided docker image.

cd $WORKSPACE/cc-scanner/docker
docker compose build


cd $WORKSPACE/cc-scanner/docker
docker pull SelimWaly/ai-workflows:pa-fraud-detection-classical-ml
docker pull SelimWaly/ai-workflows:pa-fraud-detection-gnn

Run Pipeline with Docker Compose

Run Feature Engineering to get edge features
%%{init: {'theme': 'dark'}}%%
flowchart RL
  VDATASETDIRrawdata{{"${DATASET_DIR}/raw_data"}} x-. /workspace/data/raw_data .-x preprocess
  VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/data/edge_data"}} x-. /workspace/data/edge_data .-x preprocess
  VCONFIGDIR{{"${CONFIG_DIR"}} x-. "-$PWD/../configs/single-node}" .-x preprocess

  classDef volumes fill:#0f544e,stroke:#23968b
  class VDATASETDIRrawdata,VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata,VCONFIGDIR volumes

The preprocess workflow will ingest the raw data in the $DATASET_DIR/raw_data/ directory, generate a preprocessed CSV file, and save it in the $OUTPUT_DIR/data/edge_data/ directory.

Run the preprocess workflow with the following command:

docker compose run preprocess 2>&1 | tee preprocess.log

The table below shows some of the environment variables you can control according to your needs.

Environment Variable Name Default Value Description
CONFIG_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/configs Configurations directory
OUTPUT_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/docker/output Logfile and Checkpoint output
Train and evaluate XGBoost model with edge features only
%%{init: {'theme': 'dark'}}%%
flowchart RL
  VCONFIGDIR{{"${CONFIG_DIR"}} x-. "-$PWD/../configs/single-node}" .-x baselinetraining[baseline-training]
  VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/data/edge_data"}} x-. /workspace/data/edge_data .-x baselinetraining
  VOUTPUTDIRbaselinemodels{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/baseline/models"}} x-. /workspace/tmp/models .-x baselinetraining
  VOUTPUTDIRbaselinelogs{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/baseline/logs"}} x-. /workspace/tmp/logs .-x baselinetraining

  classDef volumes fill:#0f544e,stroke:#23968b
  class VCONFIGDIR,VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata,VOUTPUTDIRbaselinemodels,VOUTPUTDIRbaselinelogs volumes

The preprocess workflow must complete successfully before running the baseline-training.

The baseline-training workflow will consume the CSV file generated from preprocess workflow above, and run a training of a XGBoost model. It will also print out AUCPR (area under the precision-recall curve) results to the console.

Run the baseline-training workflow with the command below.

docker compose run baseline-training 2>&1 | tee baseline-training.log

The table below shows some of the environment variables you can control according to your needs.

Environment Variable Name Default Value Description
CONFIG_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/configs Configurations directory
OUTPUT_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/docker/output Logfile and Checkpoint output

Train and Evaluate XGBoost with both edge features and GNN generated node features

%%{init: {'theme': 'dark'}}%%
flowchart RL
  VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/data/edge_data"}} x-. /DATA_IN .-x gnnanalytics[gnn-analytics]
  VOUTPUTDIRdatanodeedgedata{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/data/node_edge_data"}} x-. /DATA_OUT .-x gnnanalytics
  VOUTPUTDIRgnncheckpoint{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/gnn_checkpoint"}} x-. /GNN_TMP .-x gnnanalytics
  VCONFIGDIR{{"${CONFIG_DIR"}} x-. "-$PWD/../configs/single-node}" .-x gnnanalytics
  VOUTPUTDIRdatanodeedgedata x-. /workspace/data/node_edge_data .-x xgbtraining[xgb-training]
  VOUTPUTDIRxgbtrainingmodels{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/xgb-training/models"}} x-. /workspace/tmp/models .-x xgbtraining
  VOUTPUTDIRxgbtraininglogs{{"${OUTPUT_DIR}/xgb-training/logs"}} x-. /workspace/tmp/logs .-x xgbtraining
  VCONFIGDIR x-. "-$PWD/../configs/single-node}" .-x xgbtraining
  xgbtraining --> gnnanalytics

  classDef volumes fill:#0f544e,stroke:#23968b
  class VOUTPUTDIRdataedgedata,VOUTPUTDIRdatanodeedgedata,VOUTPUTDIRgnncheckpoint,VCONFIGDIR,VOUTPUTDIRdatanodeedgedata,VOUTPUTDIRxgbtrainingmodels,VOUTPUTDIRxgbtraininglogs,VCONFIGDIR volumes

To see the improvement over the baseline training you can run the xgb-training workflow. Before running the xgb-training, the preprocess workflow must complete successfully.

The xgb-training workflow consumes the CSV file generated from preprocess above, runs the gnn-analytics pipeline to generate optimized features, and runs a training of a XGBoost model using these features. It will also print out AUCPR (area under the precision-recall curve) results to the console.

Note : as this step runs GNN training first, we don't expect to see output for a while. Once GNN training finishes, we will start seeing output from XGBoost training. You can also check GNN log using the following commands.

docker compose logs gnn-analytics -f

Run the xgb-training container with the command below.

docker compose run xgb-training 2>&1 | tee xgb-training.log

This command runs the gnn-analytics workflow implicitly to generate the node features first and then uses edge features generated from Step 2 to train the XGBoost model and will print out AUCPR (area under the precision-recall curve) results to the console.

Note : This steps runs the GNN training first which can take several hours to finish.

The table below shows some of the environment variables you can control according to your needs.

Environment Variable Name Default Value Description
CONFIG_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/configs Configurations directory
OUTPUT_DIR ${WORKSPACE}/cc-scanner/docker/output Logfile and Checkpoint output

View Logs

Run these commands to check the preprocess, baseline-training, and xgb-training logs:

cat preprocess.log
cat baseline-training.log
cat xgb-training.log

You can also check GNN log using the following commands.

docker compose logs gnn-analytics -f

Clean Up Docker Containers

Run the following command to stop all services and containers created by docker compose and remove them.

docker compose down

Run Using Jupyter

1 Set up conda

To learn more, please visit install anaconda on Linux.


2 Create and activate conda environment

To be able to run Notebook.ipynb a conda environment must be created:

conda create -n ju_fraud_detection  -c conda-forge jupyterlab nb_conda_kernels python=3.9 -y 
conda activate ju_fraud_detection

Follow the steps in Getting Started section before continuing. Run the following command inside of the project root directory. WORKSPACE and DATASET_DIR must be set in the same terminal that will run Jupyter Lab.

jupyter lab

Open jupyter lab in a web browser, select Notebook.ipynb and select conda env:ju_fraud_detection as the jupyter kernel. Now you can follow the notebook's instructions step by step.

Run Using Argo

1. Install Helm

curl -fsSL -o && \
chmod 700 && \

2. Setting up K8s

3. Install Workflow Template

Please refer to the document to fill out the values.yaml and then install the template to run workflow.

export NAMESPACE=argo
helm install --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --set proxy=${http_proxy} fraud-detection ./chart
argo submit --from wftmpl/fraud-detection --namespace=${NAMESPACE}

4. View

To view your workflow progress

argo logs @latest -f

Run Using Bare Metal

Follow these instructions to set up and run this distributed pipeline on your own development system. To run with Docker on single node, refer to Run with Docker on single node.


  1. Password-less ssh needs to be set up on all the nodes that you are using.
  2. Classical ML workflow requires code, configs and data directory to reside locally.
  3. GNN workflow requires the data directory and code repository to reside on Network File System (NFS).
  4. The nodes should be connected with a high-speed network to enjoy speedups.
  5. The nodes should have at least 384 GB of RAM, 200 GB free space on localdisk and 50 GB of free space on NFS.
  6. We assume that work folder exists at the same location in localdisk of all nodes. (e.g. /mtw/local-work is the location for work folder in all nodes).

Set up distributed workflows

Set up classical ML workflow
Step 1: set up docker compose (on master node)

You'll need to install Docker Engine on your development system. Note that while Docker Engine is free to use, Docker Desktop may require you to purchase a license. See the Docker Engine Server installation instructions for details. To build and run this workload inside a Docker Container, ensure you have Docker Compose installed on your machine. If you don't have this tool installed please consult official Docker Compose installation documentation.

# on master node
mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
docker compose version
Step 2: set path to data directory (on master node)

Ensure you have downloaded the dataset as described in Prepare data directory and set the path to the dataset as described below.

export DATASET_DIR=${LOCAL_DIR}/data
Step 3: build docker images using docker compose (on master node)
# on master node
cd ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/docker
docker compose build
Step 4: compress docker image for classical ML workflow (on master node)
# on master node
docker save -o wf-image.tar SelimWaly/ai-workflows:pa-fraud-detection-classical-ml
Step 5: copy the compressed docker image to worker node (on master node)
# on master node 
# Note : provide IP address to the worker node
export WORKER_IP=<worker-node-ip>
# Note : provide path to work directory on localdisk of worker node
scp wf-image.tar $WORKER_IP:${LOCAL_DIR}
Step 6: load the compressed docker image (from master to worker node)
# from master node, ssh into worker node
docker load -i ${LOCAL_DIR}/wf-image.tar 

Run the Distributed Workflows

We allow the users to bring their own dataset, create their own preprocessing engine, build custom graph dataset from processed csv files as well as construct their own XGBoost and GraphSage model. Please find more information in How to customize this use case.

Step 1: Run distributed preprocessing (on localdisk)
  1. On master node, prepare ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-data-preprocessing.yaml to reflect desired IP addresses and absolute path to ${LOCAL_DIR}.
  num_node: 2
  node_ips: #the first item in the ip list is the master ip, pls make sure that the ip doesn't contain space in the end
    - IP1
    - IP2
  # NOTE : please provide absolute path to ${LOCAL_DIR}
  tmp_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/ml_tmp  
  data_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/data
  config_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/cc-scanner/configs/distributed
  1. Pass the workflow config yaml to the Classical ML workflow container and launch the workflow container from master node with the command below.
# on master node 
cd ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/classical-ml
./ ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-data-preprocessing.yaml

The Classical ML workflow saves the processed data inside ${LOCAL_DIR}/data/edge_data folder on the local disk of the master node. After a successful run, ${LOCAL_DIR}/data/edge_data/processed_data.csv should have (24198836, 26) shape.

Step 2: Train distributed baseline model - edge features only (on localdisk)
  1. On master node, prepare ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-baseline.yaml to reflect desired IP addresses and absolute path to ${LOCAL_DIR}.
  num_node: 2
  node_ips: #the first item in the ip list is the master ip, pls make sure that the ip doesn't contain space in the end
    - IP1
    - IP2
  # NOTE : please provide absolute path to ${LOCAL_DIR}
  tmp_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/ml_tmp  
  data_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/data
  config_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-localdisk>/cc-scanner/configs/distributed
  1. Pass the workflow config yaml to the Classical ML workflow container and run the workflow container with the command below.
# on master node
cd ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/classical-ml
./ ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-baseline.yaml
Step 3. Train distributed Graph Neural Network to get node features (on NFS)
  1. Copy the processed data from localdisk of master node to NFS.

    # on master node 
    scp ${LOCAL_DIR}/data/edge_data/processed_data.csv ${NFS_DIR}/data/edge_data/
  2. On master node, prepare ${NFS_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-gnn-training.yaml to reflect desired IP addresses and absolute path to ${NFS_DIR}.

      num_node: 2
        - IP1
        - IP2
      # NOTE : please provide absolute path to ${NFS_DIR}
      # tmp_path used to save model, embeddings, partitions...
      tmp_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-NFS>/gnn_tmp
      # data_path should contain processed_data.csv
      data_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-NFS>/data/edge_data
      # in_data_filename is the name of input csv file
      in_data_filename: processed_data.csv
      # out_path will contain the output csv with the tabular data and new node embeddings
      out_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-NFS>/data/node_edge_data
      #config_path will contain all three configs required by GNN workflow
      config_path: <path-to-work-dir-on-NFS>/cc-scanner/configs/distributed
  3. Pass the workflow config yaml to the GNN workflow container and run the workflow container with the command below.

    # on master node
    cd ${NFS_DIR}/cc-scanner/gnn-analytics
    ./ ${NFS_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-gnn-training.yaml

    Distributed GNN workflow will save GNN-boosted features to ${NFS_DIR}/data/node_edge_data/ folder on NFS. After a successful run, ${NFS_DIR}/data/node_edge_data/tabular_with_gnn_emb.csv should have (24198836, 154) shape. Else, please try following troubleshooting steps.

  • Please ensure a clean working environment e.g., kill zombie processes with pkill 9 <keyword> command. The keyword can be "python" so as to kill all the zombie processes running with python.
  • For further information, please review troubleshooting section for GNN workflow.
Step 4. Distributed XGBoost training for fraud classification (on localdisk)
  1. Copy GNN-boosted data from NFS to localdisk on master node.
    # on master node
    scp ${NFS_DIR}/data/node_edge_data/tabular_with_gnn_emb.csv ${LOCAL_DIR}/data/node_edge_data/
  2. On master node, prepare ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-xgb-training.yaml to reflect desired IP addresses and absolute path to work dir on localdisk.
      num_node: 2
      node_ips: #the first item in the ip list is the master ip, pls make sure that the ip doesn't contain space in the end
        - IP1
        - IP2
      # NOTE : please provide absolute path to work dir on localdisk
      tmp_path: <path-to-work-dir-in-localdisk>/ml_tmp 
      data_path: <path-to-work-dir-in-localdisk>/data
      config_path: <path-to-work-dir-in-localdisk>/cc-scanner/configs/distributed
  3. Pass the workflow config yaml to the Classical ML workflow container and run the workflow container with the command below.
    # on master node in localdisk
    cd ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/classical-ml
    ./ ${LOCAL_DIR}/cc-scanner/configs/distributed/workflow-xgb-training.yaml

Expected output

1: Results

We use Area Under the Precision Recall Curve (AUCPR) as evaluation metric (lies between 0 and 1, higher is better).

Results for single node pipeline

You should expect to see a boost in AUCPR for test split by using GNN-boosted features.

Data split Number of examples AUCPR - Edge features only AUCPR - GNN-boosted features
Train (year < 2018) 20,604,847 0.92 0.98
Val (year = 2018) 1,689,822 0.91 0.93
Test (year > 2018) 1,904,167 0.88 0.94
Results for distributed pipeline

You should expect to see a boost in AUCPR for test split by using GNN-boosted features.

Data split Number of examples AUCPR - Edge features only AUCPR - GNN-boosted features
Train (year < 2018) 20,604,847 0.95 0.96
Val (year = 2018) 1,689,822 0.91 0.93
Test (year > 2018) 1,904,167 0.88 0.94

2: Expected output for single node pipeline

You will see logs that look similar to the ones below once you run the use case successfully. Please note that the timing numbers depend on the hardware systems.

Expected output for single node preprocessing
Preprocessing dataset
Failed to read model training configurations. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'training'
Or there is no need for model training.
enter single-node mode...
reading data...
(24386900, 15)
preparing data...
engineering features...
splitting data...
encoding features...
saving data...
data saved under the path /fraud-detection/data/edge_data/processed_data.csv
Expected output for single node baseline (with automated hyperparameter optimization)

Our workflow runs hyperparameter optimization by default and prints the best trial's hyperparameters.

Failed to read data preprocessing steps. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'data_preprocess' or there is no need for data preprocessing.
no need for training Failed to read end2end training configurations. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'end2end_training' or there is no need for End-to-End training.
enter single-node mode...
reading training data...
reading without dropping columns...
data has the shape (24198836, 26)
start training models soon...
(24198836, 22)
read and prepare data for training...
start xgboost HPO...
[0]   train-aucpr:0.39670     eval-aucpr:0.26043      test-aucpr:0.26432
[999]   train-aucpr:0.98697     eval-aucpr:0.87243      test-aucpr:0.81485
Best trial: 0. Best value: 0.872425: 10%| 1/10  [22:23<3:21:33, 1343.71s/it][I 2023-04-26 23:19:42,948]
Trial 0 finished with value: 0.8724252645144079 and parameters: {'eta': 0.15, 'max_depth': 7, 'subsample': 0.5580179751710447, 'colsample_bytree': 0.8829791679963901, 'lambda': 0.6988028968743126, 'alpha': 0.9281407432733514, 'min_child_weight': 2}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8724252645144079.
[0]     train-aucpr:0.20233     eval-aucpr:0.11631      test-aucpr:0.11132
[999]   train-aucpr:0.93912     eval-aucpr:0.88756      test-aucpr:0.81800
Best trial: 7. Best value: 0.91189: 100%| 10/10 [3:32:04<00:00, 1272.49s/it]
Trial 9 finished with value: 0.8875619161413042 and parameters: {'eta': 0.17, 'max_depth': 5, 'subsample': 0.8748137912212397, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9733703420536219, 'lambda': 0.565297835149586, 'alpha': 0.43564481669099264, 'min_child_weight': 2}. 
Best is trial 7 with value: 0.9118896651018639.
  Value: 0.9118896651018639
    eta: 0.1
    max_depth: 9
    subsample: 0.6372646065696512
    colsample_bytree: 0.5940969469756718
    lambda: 0.023810403412340413
    alpha: 0.4955030354495986
    min_child_weight: 9
aucpr of the best configs on test set is 0.8779567630966963
Expected output for single node baseline (with best hyperparameters)

We saved our best model's hyper-parameters in $WORKSPACE/cc-scanner/configs/single-node/baseline-xgb-training.yaml. Simply comment hpo_spec section and uncomment model_spec section to reproduce our results.

Failed to read data preprocessing steps. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'data_preprocess' or there is no need for data preprocessing.
no need for HPO
Failed to read end2end training configurations. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'end2end_training' or there is no need for End-to-End training.
enter single-node mode...
reading training data...
reading without dropping columns...
data has the shape (24198836, 26)
start training models soon...
(24198836, 22)
read and prepare data for training...
start xgboost model training...
[0]     train-aucpr:0.41938     eval-aucpr:0.41885      test-aucpr:0.36533
[100]   train-aucpr:0.78485     eval-aucpr:0.90691      test-aucpr:0.89396
[200]   train-aucpr:0.81402     eval-aucpr:0.92188      test-aucpr:0.89991
[300]   train-aucpr:0.84193     eval-aucpr:0.92164      test-aucpr:0.89123
[400]   train-aucpr:0.86475     eval-aucpr:0.91879      test-aucpr:0.88308
[500]   train-aucpr:0.87911     eval-aucpr:0.91601      test-aucpr:0.87810
[600]   train-aucpr:0.88980     eval-aucpr:0.91699      test-aucpr:0.87880
[700]   train-aucpr:0.89974     eval-aucpr:0.91588      test-aucpr:0.88025
[800]   train-aucpr:0.90777     eval-aucpr:0.91510      test-aucpr:0.87856
[900]   train-aucpr:0.91517     eval-aucpr:0.91347      test-aucpr:0.87711
[999]   train-aucpr:0.92204     eval-aucpr:0.91267      test-aucpr:0.87582
start xgboost model testing...
testing results: aucpr on test set is 0.8758093307052992
xgboost model is saved under /workspace/tmp/models.
Expected output for single node GNN and XGB training (with automated hyperparameter optimization)

Our workflow runs hyperparameter optimization by default and prints the best trial's hyperparameters.

Creating Container docker-gnn-analytics-1
Created Container docker-gnn-analytics-1
Starting Container docker-gnn-analytics-1

Failed to read data preprocessing steps. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'data_preprocess' or there is no need for data preprocessing.
no need for training Failed to read end2end training configurations. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'end2end_training' or there is no need for End-to-End training.
enter single-node mode...
reading training data...
reading without dropping columns...
data has the shape (24198836, 154)
start training models soon...
(24198836, 150)
read and prepare data for training...
start xgboost HPO...
[0] train-aucpr:0.19283 eval-aucpr:0.03559 test-aucpr:0.02577
[999] train-aucpr:0.94984 eval-aucpr:0.89502 test-aucpr:0.86376
Best trial: 0. Best value: 0.89502:   10%| 1/10  [17:27<2:37:05, 1047.28s/it] [I 2023-04-27 21:51:02,449] 
Trial 0 finished with value: 0.8950199939942034 and parameters: {'eta': 0.2, 'max_depth': 4, 'subsample': 0.581804256586296, 'colsample_bytree': 0.3397014497235425, 'lambda': 0.4620219935728601, 'alpha': 0.8976349208109945, 'min_child_weight': 3}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8950199939942034.
Best trial: 5. Best value: 0.930132: 100%| 10/10 [2:48:54<00:00, 1013.50s/it] [I 2023-04-28 00:22:30,154] 
Trial 9 finished with value: 0.9054094235120606 and parameters: {'eta': 0.1, 'max_depth': 5, 'subsample': 0.9740220576298498, 'colsample_bytree': 0.5915481518062535, 'lambda': 0.7854898534100563, 'alpha': 0.6962425381327314, 'min_child_weight': 3}.
Best is trial 5 with value: 0.930131689676218.
Value: 0.930131689676218
eta: 0.01
max_depth: 6
subsample: 0.8714669008983891
colsample_bytree: 0.8825897760478416
lambda: 0.4397103901613584
alpha: 0.8475402634335466
min_child_weight: 8
aucpr of the best configs on test set is 0.9224617296126916
Expected output for single node GNN and XGB training (with best hyperparameters)

We saved our best model's hyper-parameters in $WORKSPACE/cc-scanner/configs/single-node/xgb-training.yaml. Simply comment hpo_spec section and uncomment model_spec section to reproduce our results.

Failed to read data preprocessing steps. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'data_preprocess' or there is no need for data preprocessing.
no need for HPO
Failed to read end2end training configurations. This is either due to wrong parameters defined in the config file as shown: 'end2end_training' or there is no need for End-to-End training.
enter single-node mode...
reading training data...
reading without dropping columns...
data has the shape (24198836, 154)
start training models soon...
(24198836, 150)
read and prepare data for training...
start xgboost model training...
[0]     train-aucpr:0.48145     eval-aucpr:0.23717      test-aucpr:0.21672
[100]   train-aucpr:0.80701     eval-aucpr:0.84678      test-aucpr:0.83616
[200]   train-aucpr:0.85851     eval-aucpr:0.93348      test-aucpr:0.95080
[300]   train-aucpr:0.88907     eval-aucpr:0.93487      test-aucpr:0.95312
[400]   train-aucpr:0.91095     eval-aucpr:0.93121      test-aucpr:0.95203
[500]   train-aucpr:0.92976     eval-aucpr:0.93077      test-aucpr:0.95142
[600]   train-aucpr:0.94440     eval-aucpr:0.92910      test-aucpr:0.94902
[700]   train-aucpr:0.95611     eval-aucpr:0.92940      test-aucpr:0.94795
[800]   train-aucpr:0.96405     eval-aucpr:0.92913      test-aucpr:0.94606
[900]   train-aucpr:0.97143     eval-aucpr:0.92884      test-aucpr:0.94424
[999]   train-aucpr:0.97721     eval-aucpr:0.92824      test-aucpr:0.94275
start xgboost model testing...
testing results: aucpr on test set is 0.9427465838947949
xgboost model is saved under /workspace/tmp/models.

Summary and next steps

The steps above demonstrate accuracy boost through using GNN's and efficiency boost through setting up distributed pipelines as well as a no-code user experience through configs.

How to Customize this Workflow/Use Case

To customize our reference kit to support your needs, you can -

  1. Bring your own dataset: You can add your own source data to data/raw_data.
  2. Bring your own preprocessor : You can create your own preprocessor (i.e. edge featurizer) by editing data-preprocessing.yaml. More information on how to write config yaml file can be found in the Classical ML workflow GitHub repository.
  3. Bring your own baseline : You can set parameters of your baseline model such as learning_rate, eval_metric, num_boost_round, verbose_eval and so on in baseline-xgb-training.yaml.
  4. Bring your own Graph: You can create your own graph by defining node columns and edge types in tabular2graph.yaml.
  5. Bring your own GNN : You can set parameters of your GraphSage model such as learning_rate, fan_out, epochs, eval_every and so on in gnn-training.yaml.
  6. Bring your own XGB model : You can set parameters of your final XGB model such as learning_rate, eval_metric, num_boost_round, verbose_eval and so on in xgb-training.yaml if you want to edit final XGB model.
    Make sure to edit your configs in /configs/single-node folder if you're using single-node setting and /configs/distributed if you're using distributed setting.

Learn more

To learn more about our workflows, please refer to -

  1. Classical ML workflow
  2. GNN workflow


To troubleshoot, please submit your github issue.


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