This extension provides cheat (but useful) functions on PostgreSQL.
pg_strsearch is released under the PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses.
Download the source archive of pg_strsearch from here, and then build and install it.
$ cd pg_strsearch
$ make USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=/opt/pgsql-X.Y.Z/bin/pg_config
$ su
# make USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=/opt/pgsql-X.Y.Z/bin/pg_config install
# exit
USE_PGXS=1 must be always specified when building this extension. The path to pg_config (which exists in the bin directory of PostgreSQL installation) needs be specified in PG_CONFIG. However, if the PATH environment variable contains the path to pg_config, PG_CONFIG doesn't need to be specified.
Note that CREATE EXTENSION pg_strsearch needs to be executed in all the databases that you want to execute the functions that this extension provides.
=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_strsearch;
Return some string in Table and Record ; This function returns a record, shown in the table below.
| Table | ColumnName | Value |