Group Name: Secret Delta (MAD PROJECT)
Group Member Details
About the project
DELTA is an online productivity app targeted towards students and productivity enthusiasts. This apps helps in increasing the productivity of individuals by providing a broad collection of productivity tools at your fingertips. The DELTA app combines several productivity tools which are available as isolated applications in the play store, into a single comprehensive application which provides a great user experience to the user.
Our application has 4 main functions.
1. Calendar management
2. Task management
3. Time management
4. Habit management
Many students struggle to manage their studies and other extracurricular activities. They must keep track of their study activities such as lectures, labs, and exams. Moreover, they must manage their time and minimize procrastination. Also, they must put extra effort into forming healthy habits and break bad habits. The Delta Productivity APP provides an all-in-one place to manage all your productivity needs. Our app provides a user-friendly user interface and userfriendly navigation to increase your productivity.