A theme for nvim inspired by the great vim-paper and grey by Yorick Peterse, changing the main background and foreground colors to Solarized-inspired ones.
Bold is avoided, I find it too jarring in the terminal.
Syntax highlighting is mostly only done for comments and for method and type definitions (which are kept as a structural separation hint). This yields a pleasing heading then section visual structure.
The method and type definitions are done via Treesitter (with a couple of defaults for the classic vim syntax highlighting.
LSP syntax tokens are not used, I did not find how to properly implement the 'highlights function definition line' requirement. If it is not disabled, it overwrites treesitter.
To disable in nvim LSP config on_attach(client, bufno)
client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil
Plug 'SebastianZaha/nvim-solar-paper'
For treesitter queries and highlight groups, use :Inspect
and :InspectTree
in nvim and the
tree-sitter query syntax.