Conda is an environment and package manager for Python. It simplifies and automates the installation and management of different python environments on the same host. Please consult the official documentation for mode details.
- download miniconda here
- choose the python 3.6 version for the operative system in use
- execute the downloaded file and follow the displayed instructions
Requirements list is in the file environment.yml.
Create a new environment in conda with the specified packages:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate it:
activate MottaZivianiPLSDA
- Activate conda environment:
activate MottaZivianiPLSDA
- Run the following command:
The input files have to be compliant with the comma separated value standard, thus the separator used is the semicolon ';' and the encoding of the file is ISO8859 (the standard one in Italy). The first row have to have the variable labels. The first column have to be the "Category" type, while the others the variables values.