Note: project is VERY WIP
Blazingly fast, mobile friendly, convient image board written in ASP.NET, Entity Framework and Angular!
First make sure you have docker and docker compose installed. Then follow:
git clone
cd nextbooru
# Postgres setup
cd pg-dev
sudo docker compose up -d
cd ..
# Update database
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef # if you don't have it
dotnet ef database update --project Nextbooru.Core
# Project
dotnet run --project Nextbooru.Core
Note: You need aspnet runtime as well, on Arch based distros install with
sudo pacman -S aspnet-runtime
Along with database you will have access to Adminer on port 9679.
Edit pg-dev/docker-compose.yml
to change ports.
If you want to use your own postgres you need to change database config in appsettings.json
and appsettings.Development.json
All files in this repository are licenced under GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3
Full license text is available in LICENSE
Thanks JetBrains for letting me to use their products for free to develop Nextbooru <3