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Welcome to spop!

spop is a Spotify client that works as a daemon (similar to the famous MPD). It is designed to be as simple and straightforward as possible: run it, control it with your keyboard and a few scripts, and just forget about it.


  • Works as a daemon: no GUI, just start it, it will run in the background and do what you want it to do. Your music won't stop playing if your X server crashes!
  • Uses libspotify: stable, reliable. Not free (a Spotify premium account is required), but quite cheap.
  • Written in plain C: as lightweight as possible, only 300 kB when compiled with debugging symbols...
  • Few dependencies: only requires libspotify, Glib, JSON-GLib and libao (or libsox; not required for OSS audio output).
  • Powerful audio effects: when using libsox, you can apply various effects to the audio output: equalisation, normalisation, reverb, "karaoke", etc. SoX is the Swiss Army knife of sound processing!
  • Powerful plugin system: you can write your own plugin in a few dozens lines of code.
  • Simple protocol: open a TCP connection to the daemon, write a simple plain-text command, get an easily parsable JSON output.
  • Portable: designed to be platform-agnostic, it should work on any platform supported both by Glib and libspotify. (But so far it has only been tested on Linux and Apple OS X)
  • Free software: the source code is available under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license (or, at your option, any later version), with an exception allowing to distribute code linked against libspotify. Everyone is welcome to contribute!


Right now, several plugins are available:

  • notify: use libnotify for desktop notifications
  • savestate: keep the current state (queue, current track, etc.) when stopping and restarting spop
  • scrobble: scrobble your music to LastFM or LibreFM (requires libsoup)
  • awesome: keep an eye on your player in Awesome, an extremely powerful window manager
  • mpris2: support the MPRIS2 standard to control spopd like any other media player from your desktop or using the multimedia keys on your keyboard (work in progress)

How to use

  1. Install libspotify (preferably using your favorite package manager)

  2. Download spop's source code:

     git clone git://
  3. Prepare your configuration file:

     mkdir -p ~/.config/spop
     cp spop/spopd.conf.sample ~/.config/spop/spopd.conf
     nano ~/.config/spop/spopd.conf
  4. Compile and run spop:

     cd spop
     ./build_and_run -fv
  5. Connect to the daemon and issue some commands:

     telnet localhost 6602
  6. If you want something more GUI-like, you can use dspop, which uses either dmenu or rofi:


    Or, on Linux, you can enable the mpris2 plugin in the configuration file and use the media controls integrated with some desktop environments.

  7. If you want a really nice web interface, have a look at spop-web by Xemle.

If you want to install spop somewhere on your system, do the following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/where/to/install ..
sudo make install


Add Mopidy APT repository for libspotify from

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo -e "deb stable main contrib non-free\ndeb-src stable main contrib non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list
sudo apt-get update

Install required libraries via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libjson-glib-dev libao-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libnotify-dev libsoup2.4-dev libsox-dev libspotify-dev


Install libspotify with Homebrew:

brew install


At the moment, spop can not modify your playlists, so you will have to use the official Spotify client to manage them.

Except for that, the following commands are available:

  • help: list all available commands

  • ls: list all your playlists
  • ls pl: list the contents of playlist number pl

  • qls: list the contents of the queue
  • qclear: clear the contents of the queue
  • qrm tr: remove track number tr from the queue
  • qrm tr1 tr2: remove tracks tr1 to tr2 from the queue

  • add pl: add playlist number pl to the queue
  • add pl tr: add track number tr from playlist number pl to the queue
  • play pl: replace the contents of the queue with playlist pl and start playing
  • play pl tr: replace the contents of the queue with track tr from playlist pl and start playing

  • uinfo uri: display information about the given Spotify URI
  • uadd uri: add the given Spotify URI to the queue (playlist, track or album only)
  • uplay uri: replace the contents of the queue with the given Spotify URI (playlist, track or album only) and start playing
  • uimage uri: get the cover image for given uri (base64-encoded JPEG image). Uri must be an track or album uri.
  • uimage uri size: get the cover image for given uri (base64-encoded JPEG image). Uri must be an track or album uri. Use 0 for normal size (300px), 1 for small size (64px) and 2 for large size (640px).

  • search query: perform a search with the given query

  • play: start playing from the queue
  • toggle or pause: toggle pause mode
  • stop: stop playback
  • seek pos: go to position pos (in milliseconds) in the current track
  • next: switch to the next track in the queue
  • prev: switch to the previous track in the queue
  • goto tr: switch to track number tr in the queue
  • repeat: toggle repeat mode
  • shuffle: toggle shuffle mode

  • status: display informations about the queue, the current track, etc.
  • idle: wait for something to change (pause, switch to other track, new track in queue...), then display status. Mostly useful in notification scripts.
  • notify: unlock all the currently idle sessions, just like if something had changed.
  • image: get the cover image for the current track (base64-encoded JPEG image).
  • offline-status: display informations about the current status of the offline cache (number of offline playlists, sync status...).
  • offline-toggle pl: toggle offline mode for playlist number pl.

  • star: toggle the "starred" status of the current track
  • ustar uri val: set the "starred" status of all the tracks in the given URI (playlist, track or album) to val (0 or 1)

  • bye: close the connection to the spop daemon
  • quit: exit spop


This doc is probably lacking a gazillion useful informations, so feel free to ask me if you have any question regarding spop!


A Spotify client running as a daemon, similar to mpd.







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