Forked from tap-spec
Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
Using a terminal with emoji support, the tests output become pretty ugly. This package use different emojis instead. You may still use the original lib for your CI in case it doesn't support emojis (because it support char fallbacks), but on your local computer this version allow for a better output
npm install tap-spec-emoji --save-dev
var test = require('tape');
var tapSpec = require('tap-spec-emoji');
"name": "module-name",
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./test/tap-test.js | tap-spec-emoji"
Then run with npm test
tape test/index.js | node_modules/.bin/tap-spec-emoji
npm install testling -g
testling test/index.js | node_modules/.bin/tap-spec-emoji