Implementaion of Tarantool Protocol 1.7
Connector for Tarantool 1.6 you can find here
[+] Synchronous and asynchronous (clojure.core.async) interfaces
[+] Tuple and Record (map) interfaces
[+] Named spaces support
[+] Auto reconnection
[+] Request timeouts
(require '[tarantool-clj.client :as client]
'[ :as space]
'[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])
(def connection-config
{:host ""
:port 3301
:username "test"
:password "test"
:async? false})
(def test-space-config
{:name "test"
:fields [:id :first-name :second-name]
:tail :_tail})
(let [client (-> connection-config
space (-> client
(space/new-space test-space-config)
(space/insert space
{:id 1
:first-name "Steve"
:second-name "Buscemi"})
;; ({:id 1 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Buscemi"})
(space/insert space
{:id 2
:first-name "Steve"
:second-name "Jobs"})
;; ({:id 2 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Jobs"})
(space/insert space
{:id 3
:first-name "Tim"
:second-name "Roth"})
;; ({:id 3 :first-name "Tim" :second-name "Roth"})
(space/insert space
{:id 4
:first-name "Bill"
:second-name "Gates"
:_tail ["some" "other" "values" 42]})
;; ({:id 4 :first-name "Bill" :second-name "Gates"
;; :_tail ["some" "other" "values" 42]})
(space/select-first space
{:id 1})
;; {:id 1 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Buscemi"}
(space/select space
{:first-name "Steve"})
;; ({:id 1 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Buscemi"}
;; {:id 2 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Jobs"})
(space/select space
{:first-name "Steve"}
{:iterator :eq})
;; ({:id 1 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Buscemi"}
;; {:id 2 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Jobs"})
(space/select space
{:first-name "Steve"}
{:iterator :eq :offset 1 :limit 100})
;; ({:id 2 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Jobs"})
(space/update space
{:id 2}
{:second-name ["=" "Ballmer"]})
;; ({:id 2 :first-name "Steve" :second-name "Ballmer"})
(space/update space
{:id 2}
{:second-name [":" 3 4 "dwin"]
:first-name [":" 3 4 "phen"]})
;; ({:id 2 :first-name "Stephen" :second-name "Baldwin"})
(space/delete space
{:id 3})
;; ({:id 3 :first-name "Tim" :second-name "Roth"})
(space/eval space
"function ping()
return 'pong'
;; []
(space/call space
;; [["pong"]]
(component/stop client))