This plugin adds several performance improvements to your WordPress site. In contrst to other performance Plugins, this one sets focus on HTTP\2 Standards (like Server Push and SPDY).
This plugin minifies all CSS and JS Files and caches them. It will not merge them into on file. This way you are still able to use conditional assets and if you are using HTTP/2, which I highly recommend, it's not necessary to do so.
Filter awpp_cache_dir
add_filter( 'awpp_cache_dir', 'prefix_my_cache_dir' );
function prefix_my_cache_dir( $path ) {
return ABSPATH . 'assets/';
It moves all scripts to the footer and adds a defer
attribute. This makes sure the scripts won't block the page render process but will still be executed in the right order.
Caution: Could break some inline JS.
All CSS Files will be removed from the head and loaded asynchronously using rel="preload"
as Fallback). This makes sure your CSS Files won't delay the page rendering. To reduce the flash of unstyled content (FOUT) I recommend adding a Critical CSS.
By default this plugin provides a textarea where you can put your critical CSS.
But there's more! You can use a filter awpp_critical_dir
where you can define your own critical CSS Folder:
Filter awpp_critical_dir
add_filter( 'awpp_critical_dir', 'prefix_my_critical_dir' );
function prefix_my_critical_dir( $path ) {
return get_template_directory() . '/assets/critical/';
Inside this directory you can define your own conditional critical CSS files which are loaded from right (the least specific) to left (the most specific). Like in the WordPress Hierarchy, the index.css
is set as the basic file.
| singular.css
| | singular-{$post_type}.css
| | | singular-{$post_id}.css
| archive.css
| | archive-{$post_type}.css
| | archive-author.css
| | | archive-author-{$author_name}.css
| | archive-date.css
| | | archive-date-year.css
| | | archive-date-month.css
| | | archive-date-day.css
| | archvie-taxonomy.css
| | | archvie-taxonomy-{$taxonomy}.css
| | | | archvie-taxonomy-{$term_id}.css
| front-page.css
| 404.css
| search.css
The idea behind this option is that you could just create a bunch of critical CSS Files and put them into your Theme. The Plugin will automaticly look for the most explict file and sets this as your critical CSS.
There are several ways to generate Critical CSS. I recommend creating it while developing your theme. For example using NPM/Gulp.
We just created an API which returns the "above the fold" CSS for a given page.
And yes, it's already implemented in this Plugin!
At the moment it's hidden because it's still in development. To activate it you can define this constant inside wp-config.php
: define( 'AWPP_CRITICALAPI', true );
Afterwards you should paste an API Key to "WP Performance > Asset Delivery > Above the fold CSS". To get an API Key, contact us at [email protected]
And yes, we'd love to get feedback from you!
Server push is a HTTP/2 feature that allows you to send site assets to the user before they’ve even asked for them. There are two ways to achieve this. Both have their pros and cons. So this plugin supports both, the decision is up to you.
While WordPress builds your site, this plugin gets all enqueued scripts and styles and adds them as a link attribute to the response headers. That way you can be certain only files are being pushed, that are actually needed.
But: Since they are set while the server builds your site, this won't work if you're using a server caching (which I highly recommend).
The second option puts all files to push inside you .htaccess. This way they are being pushed also if you're using server caching.
But: If your assets change (new versions / depreciated scripts), don't forget to update the .htaccess. This can be done with one click while saving the settings.
- minor bugfix with WPML
- changed to standalone cssrelpreload.js
- Added multisite support
- Fixed Bug while save/post and CriticalAPI enabled
- quickfix
- http/2 check improvements
- fix: serverpush settings action
- updated DEFLATE compression
- updated chaching headers
- NEW - hidden beta Feature: Critical CSS API
- added DEFLATE compression
- added chaching headers
- added German
- little Bugfixes
- complete UI rework
- added one-click speed tests
- better documentation
- little Bugfixes
- little Bugfixes
- added support for Cachify, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and WP Rocket
for CSS Files,loadCSS
as Fallback- little improvements
- little Bugfixes
- Added HTTP/2 Sever Push
- Server Push php: pushes all enqueued scripts and styles as php headers
- Server Push .htaccess: it scans your front-page so you gan choose which assets should be pushed within your .htaccess
- added HTTP version check
- changed default directories to
- small improvements
- little Bugfixes
- Initial version from 2017
- Moves all scripts to footer
- defer scripts
- minify scripts
- Critical CSS / LoadCSS
- Nico Martin | | @nic_o_martin
Use this code freely, widely and for free. Provision of this code provides and implies no guarantee.
Please respect the GPL v3 licence, which is available via