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Creating an AST for the L4850 programming Language

this readme is just a copy and paste from the specification pdf that we recieved from class. This branch will not impliment all features, but by the end of our project the master branch should meet the specifications to an 'A' level

L4850: A Dynamically Typed Language for Instruction L4850 is a programming language designed for practice interpretation. L4850 is a simple dynamically typed language that contains elements of functional, object-oriented and im- perative paradigms. L4850 is intended to be simple enough to interpret in a single semester by any student willing to put in some e�ort. Each feature included in the language was added speci cally to help students learn about the meaning of programs written in di�erent paradigms. The goal of this project is to help student understand what it means to express something in a language by writing an operational semantics (fancy words for interpreter). In the process, I hope that you will understand object-oriented design better and also learn about functional programming. 1 L4850 Syntax 1.1 Lexical Properties of L4850

  1. In L4850, blanks are signi cant.
  2. In L4850, all keywords are reserved; that is, the programmer cannot use an L4850 keyword as the name of a variable. The valid keywords are: hASSIGNi ! assign hCONDi ! cond hDEFCLASSi ! defclass hDEFUNCi ! defunc hELSEi ! else hFALSEi ! false hFIi ! fi hFUNCi ! func hIFi ! if hLOADi ! load hMETHODi ! method hNEWi ! new hTHENi ! then hTOi ! to hTRUEi ! true hVARSi ! vars hWITHi ! with (Note that L4850 is case sensitive, that is, the variable X di�ers from x. Thus, cond is a keyword, but COND can be a variable name.) 1
  3. The following special characters have meanings in an L4850 program. hANDi ! && hCOMMAi ! , hDIVIDEi ! / hDOTi ! . hEQUALi ! == hGREATERi ! > hGREATEREQUALi ! >= hINVOKEi ! -> hLBi ! f hLBKi ! [ hLESSi ! < hLESSEQUALi ! <= hLPi ! ( hMINUSi ! - hMULTIPLYi ! * hNOTi ! ! hNOTEQUALi ! != hORi ! || hPLUSi ! + hRBi ! g hRBKi ! ] hRPi ! )
  4. Comments are delimited by a //. All characters following the //on the same line are part of the comment.
  5. Identi ers are written with upper and lowercase letters and are de ned as follows: hALPHAi ! a j b j c j � � � j z j A j B j � � � j Z hDIGITi ! 0 j 1 j 2 j � � � j 9 hIDENTIFIERi ! hLETTERi (hLETTERi j hDIGITi )�
  6. Constants are de ned as follows: hPOSITIVEi ! 1 j 2 j 3 j ::: j 9 hINTNUMi ! hPOSITIVEi hDIGITi� j 0 hEXPONENTi ! ( e j E ) ( + j - )? ( hDIGITi )+ hFLOATNUMi ! hINTNUMi ( hDOTi ( hDIGITi )+ ( hEXPONENTi )? j hEXPONENTi ) hSTRINGi ! 0 ( � [ 0 ] )� 0 1.2 Context-free Grammar The following grammar describes the context-free syntax of L4850: 2 program ! ( functionDef j classDef j expression j loadFile )+ functionDef ! hDEFUNCi hIDi hLPi ( idList )? hRPi expressionList idList ! hIDi ( hCOMMAi hIDi )� classDef ! hDEFCLASSi hIDi hLBi ( classVars )? ( methods )? hRBi classVars ! hVARSi idList methods ! ( hMETHODi hIDi hLPi ( idList )? hRPi expressionList )+ loadFile ! hLOADi hSTRINGi expressionList ! hLBi ( expression )+ hRBi expression ! compExpr ( logOp compExpr )� j hNOTi compExpr logOp ! hORi j hANDi compExpr ! addExpr ( compOp addExpr )� compOp ! hEQUALi j hNOTEQUALi j hLESSi j hLESSEQUALi j hGREATERi j hGREATEREQUALi addExpr ! mulExpr ( addOp mulExpr )� addOp ! hPLUSi j hMINUSi mulExpr ! factor ( mulOp factor )� mulOp ! hMULTIPLYi j hDIVIDEi 3 factor ! operand ( call )? operand ! varRef j constant j newExpr j ifExpr j funcExpr j assignExpr j condExpr j withExpr j hLPi expression hRPi call ! hINVOKEi hLPi ( paramList )? hRPi paramList ! expression ( hCOMMAi expression)� varRef ! hIDi ( hDOTi hIDi )? constant ! hINTUMi j hFLOATNUMi j list j hSTRINGi j hTRUEi j hFALSEi list ! hLBKi constantList hRBKi constantList ! constant ( hCOMMAi constant )� newExpr ! hNEWi hIDi ifExpr ! hIFi expression hTHENi expression hELSEi expression hFIi funcExpr ! hFUNCi hLP i ( idList )? h RPi expressionList assignExpr ! hASSIGNi expression hTOi hIDi condExpr ! hCONDi condClauses condClauses ! ( hLBi expression expression hRBi )+ withExpr ! hWITHi hLPi variableDefs hRPi expressionList variableDefs ! ( hLBKi hIDi expression hRBKi )� 4 2 L4850 Notes 2.1 Function Declarations The semantics of function de nition cause the variable to be added to the environment with a closure as a value. Example: defunc even (n) { if (n == 0) then true else odd->(n - 1) fi } defunc odd(n) { if (n == 0) then false else even->(n - 1) fi } In the above program, the variables even and odd are added to the environment with closures for values. The value of a function de nition is a closure. 2.2 Assignment Expressions A variable is given a new value using an assign expression. assign 2+3 to x In the previous expression, x is given the value 5 and 5 is the return value of the entire assign expression. 2.3 If Expression If the rst expression in an if is true, then the expression in the then-part is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the expression in the else-part is evaluated and returned. if x == 5 then 5 else 4 fi The value returned by this expression is 5. 5 2.4 Cond Expression The cond expression is a concise format for a sequence of if-then-else-if expressions. For example, if x == 5 then 5+2 else if x == 6 then 5+3 else if x == 7 then 5+4 else 5+5 fi fi fi can equivalently be expressed as cond {x == 5 5+2} {x == 6 5+3} {x == 7 5+4} {true 5+5} 2.5 With Expressions Variables are given scope in L4850 using a with expression. For example, with ([x 5]) { x + 10 } gives scope to the variable x in the body of the with expression and gives it an initial value of 5. The expression evaluation returns the value 10. 2.6 Function Invocation A function invocation is done with the -> operator. Thus, the expression even->(n-1) in the previous declaration of odd calls the function even with the value of n-1 as an argument. L4850 also de nes the language-supported functions in Table 1. 6 Function Prototype Parameter Types Description first->(L) L a list Return the rst element of a L rest->(L) L a list Return a list contain all ele- ments of L except the rst insert->(e,L) e any value Insert e onto the front of L L a list list->(e,...) e,... one or more values create a list containing all parameters empty?->(L) L a list Return true i� L is an empty list pair?->(L) L a list true i� L is a non-empty list list?->(L) L a list Return true i� L is a list equal?->(L1,L2) L1,L2 lists Return true i� L1 and L2 are equivalent lists length->(L) L a list Return the length of Lt number?->(e) e any value Return true i� e is a number exit->() exit the interpreter Table 1: L4850 Language-supported Functions 2.7 Function Expression L4850 supports rst-class functions. Thus, functions are values just as numbers are values. The expression func (x) { x + 2 } declares a nameless function that adds 2 to its argument. A function expression can be put anywhere in a program that any other expression can be put. Thus, it can be asssigned to a variable in an assignment expression or called in an invocation as in (func (x) { x + 2 })->(3) which returns the value 5. 2.8 Expressions L4850 arithmetic expressions compute simple values of type integer or oat For both integer and oating point numbers, arithmetic and comparison are de ned. 7 Coercion: If an expression contains operands of only one type, evaluation is straight forward. When an operand contains mixed types, the situation is more complex. If an arithmetic expression has an integer operand and a oat operand, the integer operand should be converted to a oat before the operation is performed. Relational and logic operators always produce a boolean. To perform a comparison between an integer and a oat, the integer is converted to a oat. Logic operators are only de ned on boolean values. In addition, boolean values may not be used in relational and arithmetic operators. Operator Precedence Operator precedences in L4850 are speci ed in the table below. Multiplication and division have the highest priority, && and || have the lowest. Operator Precedence *, / 5 +, - 4 <, <=, =, >=, >, != 3 ! 2 &&, || 1 Precedence has already been encoded in the grammar in Section 1.2. 2.9 Classes and Objects L4850 supports simple classes without inheritance. Classes may contain instance variables and methods. All variables have private access and all methods have public access. The code below de nes a class with one instance variable and getter and setter methods for that variable. defclass test { vars x method setX(n) { assign n to x } method getX() { x } } To instantiate an object, the new operator is used. In the expression assign new test to t a new instance of test is assigned to the variable t. Methods are accessed using the . operator and invoked using the -> operator. As an example, the following code returns the value 0. 8 defunc f (x) { assign new test to t t.setX->(x) t.getX->() } f->(0) 9


Creating an AST for the L4850 programming Language






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