Generates random data for your tests. Ruby port for
Install RFauxFactory
gem install rfauxfactory
RFauxFactory.gen_alpha => "iqXfCtcmOl"
RFauxFactory.gen_latin1 => "âÍûçùÈíÂãÚ"
RFauxFactory.gen_cjk => "柕鈭鳬鴝藂豲醘晓怰匜"
RFauxFactory.gen_utf8 => "빣졤𣀣𐜖𦝅Í샆𩀛ꢮ켆"
RFauxFactory.gen_cyrillic => "РӅӪѹёӖЀљҸѤ"
RFauxFactory.gen_alphanumeric => "2WKLdDNfrO"
RFauxFactory.gen_numeric_string => "7667510623"
RFauxFactory.gen_special => "(`|,\\/^$/."
RFauxFactory.gen_html => "<applet>tFyFHLasnN</applet>"
RFauxFactory.gen_alpha 20 => "gtUAteMlmjfXivTEOXNL"
# or
RFauxFactory.gen_alpha length=20 => "YPxOXgWMrATxvHnCKmcy"
allowed string types are:
- alpha
- alphanumeric
- cjk
- html
- latin1
- numeric
- utf8
- punctuation
RFauxFactory.gen_string :alpha => "WXWkJJsgHB"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :latin1 => "ÅÔÍÅõéþêÃÑ"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :cjk => "娎咅巁蹐猳瑣呺鮘桼汿"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :utf8 => "衊𖣋䰛𤬱㱹筠𖡇𫑴軈𨳈"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :cyrillic => "БӮҨӠѴҞӘӦѱН"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :alphanumeric => "cJ4iapthI8"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :numeric => "8572742737"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :punctuation => ">-}{%(``%]"
RFauxFactory.gen_string :html => "<big>WNoQefDcmE</big>"
# or with custom length
RFauxFactory.gen_string :alpha, 20 => "TuxtvmNwrfbuGaaQSEnM"
- With default fixed length 10:
=> {:alpha=>"RoRHnHUkPO",
- With custom fixed length:
RFauxFactory.gen_strings 20
=> {:alpha=>"tXuyblxhHVvxSStxHRqe",
- With custom range length:
RFauxFactory.gen_strings (3..30)
=> {:alpha=>"humyNICJnf",
- With excluding some string types:
RFauxFactory.gen_strings exclude: [:html, :punctuation]
=> {:alpha=>"IBlbvJkYQP",
- We can also combine length and exclude options:
RFauxFactory.gen_strings (3..30), exclude: [:html, :punctuation]
=> {:alpha=>"aLc",
RFauxFactory.gen_boolean => false
RFauxFactory.gen_boolean => true
RFauxFactory.gen_boolean => true